DS 10 has PANS/Bart we have tried a few anti B cocktails and azith/Bactrim/amox worked great at clearing his brain. However he grew allergic (anemic) to Sulpha drugs and had to stop the Bactrim cocktail.
WE have tried several combo's Rimifcan, Omnicef, and just now minocycline. PLUS we always do Half dose for awhile bc sensitive and yet he still has these reactions. The first two made his feet numb and the Minocycline, although was working great for two whole weeks, began to cause hive attack. We are also using Stephan Buhner herbs very little, very slow & very low.
Question: Any children do well with Doxy? He is over 8 yrs old. I think that's our last choice for the Bartonella treatment? He tolerates azith well. Just want to know what has been working with your kids with this rotten co-infection? Thank you all!