Hi all,
I am wondering if anyone else's child is taking Biaxin? If so, what is the dosage and what form ?
My dd7 just had a med change : she is also on Omnicef, Rifampin, and Nystatin. After 2 years of being on daily abx, she is doing only pills. The most recent med change to Biaxin came in a liquid form which she has to take 2x per day (125 mg). She hates it and puts up a big fight. A pill would be so much easier.
The pharmacist said it only comes in a 250 mg pill - not sure if that is capsule or tablet.
Dr. originally wanted her on Azithromycin 250 mg 1x per day but insurance wouldn't cover 30 days of this abx.
If your child is on Biaxin, what is the dosage and what form is it in? Dd is 44 lbs. any input would help!