My 5 year old son is on gluten free and dairy free diet, no color, no preservatives, no MSG for 1 1/2 month now, his motor tics decrease by 70% now. He still tics a lot but less frequent per minute when watching at ipad and TV so we don't let him watch much. So far, we only do diet change and remove him from his bedroom with carpet. Add purifier in his new room, with dust mite casings. I wonder if scratching a tic? And he still rubbing his eyes, wonder if it is tics.
I only give him probiotics and papaya enzymes since 1 month ago. I am thinking to add Vitamin C, but can anyone recommend a Vitamin C for children that is free from all dyes, soy, gluten, dairy allergen? His blood work couple month ago shows high in Vitamin B, so we stop the multi-vitamin.
We can't stop soy, as we are Chinese, but we use organic gluten free soya sauce...Thinking of trying rotary diet since we haven't get IGg those tests done yet.
We haven't go further to see an environmental physician yet as he is improving a lot the month, I mean his tics are less obvious to others but not to me, as a mom of course.