Back in summer and fall last year, I have posted for help with my 5 year old, who has chronic motor tics and possibly tourette. I am happy to report that my 6 year old's tics has been 98% gone.
Thanks to Sheila's book,"Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourette's: A Patient and Family Guide" which gave me hope last summer and thanks to Chemar and other experienced parents who spared time to answer my questions.
In summary, we have implemented diet change and environmental improvement since Sept 8 after we came back from Hong Kong. Changes included: Dairy 100% free, Gluten 100% free, cut sugar by 60%, no commercial baking food, cut artificial colors and preservatives by 90%, cut MSG 100%. Cut ipad time to two hours a week only. I give him probiotics twice a day, papaya enzymes at every meal. Move him out of the carpeted bedroom, use dust mite covers on all beddings and organic cotton top sheets. The main trigger for my son's bad tics was dairy!!!!! In Sept and October, his tics started to decrease but still had better day and worse days! By the end of December, I started to see consistency, most obvious motor tics including grimaces, neck turning and repetitive blinkings, etc are gone EVEN when watching TV. Now, other people can't notice he has any tics at all.
I am very thankful to all your help!
Barbara G (hkginger)