Hello- I don't want to make this long-
My dd has never had a Myco titer pulled- never coughed in her life really, either, although dx'd w/ 'lung infection' at age 3 via a chest x-ray at an ER visit for a bladder infection.
She's been off all antibiotics and treating herbs for a long while now- no prophylactic.
Younger dd, non- PANS, gets lung infection/ wicked cough 3 1/2 weeks ago. 5 day Z-pack did not clear it, now younger non- PANS dd on treatment dose Ceftin for 2 weeks to try and clear her lungs/ low grade fever.
Meanwhile, my PANS dd flared- increase OCD, cannot settle, and we've had brain fog type going on for awhile....but don't know if that's her 'normal'. She has no outward illness symptoms and no pain.
So, I had leftover Biaxin script of hers from LLMD treatment, (not expired) and start PANS dd on Biaxin at treatment dose, and,
Wow! Improvement in 1 day- happier, engaged, calmer, more content- no herx really- a Wow (it is day 3-4)
Sooooo--- why? Could it be Lyme killing, putting it in cyst form? Strep killing, Bartonella, Myco P?
Can you be infected with Myco P and never cough or have runny nose?
I welcome any input, and thank you.