So DD is doing awesome (knock wood) with metylation supplements. DS is also doing well - all lyme/Pans symptoms resolved except for tics. Been treating for yeast - Diflucan for 2 mos and now 2 weeks on nystatin. Also did a colon cleanse. Nystatin was supposed to be kinder, gentler. But I see very little decrease in tics since switching from diflucan to nystatin. I think leaky gut is allowing toxins into the blood stream even on the gentler nystatin that's supposed to remain in the intestines.
I know we should take away triggers like gluten and we tired to change diet for a week, but it was too much of a challenge. (those of you who can do it are saints!) We have reduced, but not eliminated gluten and sugars. It's the best I can do without being locked out of the house (and running to the store for my own "fix"). So my focus has shifted to trying to heal the mucus lining of the intestines. Which brought me to l-glutamine, used to heal the mucus lining.
Has anyone used this or have any links? I read good things but am also looking for the cons. I believe l-glutamine can change into either glutamate or gaba, and I certainly don't want to increase glutamate. Looking for feedback.
(cannot use curcumin/Enhansa - made DS very, very angry. It was horrible).