Dd7 woke up this morning feeling itchy. After a shower she seemed to feel better and headed off to school fine. When I picked her up she told me an elaborate story about a kid in her class that had poison ivy. Then she asked me if she could catch poison ivy from someone. I told her she could not and she seemed relieved. As we got home she told me she felt itchy just talking about it. She was quieter than normal but other wise normal. I soon realized she was very itchy. I checked her and she was getting hives on her stomach, back, neck, and face. I took her temp. And she is running a temp. (100.3-101).
We gave her a Benadryl tab @6pm and I just had to give her another one as she has hives on the back of her knees & is not sleeping well. She is an allergy kid .... Both environmental & food. There is nothing new - no detergents or foods.?? She is PANDAS/Lyme/Bartonella. The fact that she has a fever has me wondering. Guess we are heading to the Dr. In the morning.
Anyone experience anything similiar? A little worried ....