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Everything posted by fukai_otaku

  1. Hi. I am an adult with asperger's. Does anyone else like to rock? I like to rock on the couch, passenger's seat of the car, and on the bus that I ride to and from school.
  2. Hi. I am a young artist with autism. I am currently working on a story in the form of manga which means in japanese comic. This is a christian manga, this would be a teenaged comic. I am trying to put within the story some neurological disorders. I myself have grown up with asperger's along with other comobrid conditions. I do have a few characters in my story that have tourette's syndrome, but I do not know anyone as a friend who has this syndrome. I researched online from what it is and I don't comprehend the terms. I was wondering if anyone would like to talk about what it was like growing with TS. I can also give you a description of the characters who also have it. I don't know how to use the scanner for putting stuff online nor do I have a webpage up yet to show off my artwork. If anyone would like to help me out, please don't hesistate to send me an email. ^__^ Here's a description of the characters who have the syndrome: A 19 year old male name Jake, his tics are head jerking and gulping. He has had a devastating childhood growing up with TS. He lives in a small town, and not everyone understood his tics nor his behavior. He had a hard time in the first grade, since it was a time for making new friends. He was even bullied by peers. He did however, make one friend which became a best friend. This boy had an aunt who made noises as well, plus he had a mom who he thought was weird as well. -A 38 year old pregnant female who has mild tourette's, that consist of head shaking and belching. Her name is Rebecca. She grew up in a time where tourette's was unheard of. (I was wondering if I can get help on tourette's history, and when clinics started being available to people). Rebecca has also passed on her tourette's to her 2 year old daughter Emily Abatha. Rebecca is pregnant with her second child and cautious of it carrying TS as well. (I have a question about mild tourette's, can't it become severe at times even though it is mild?) Also, can tics come out for a woman during stress such as childbirth? -Emily Abatha, a toddler who has TS, however not yet diagnosed. Her mother knows of TS very well because she has it and is a registerd nurse. Her grandmother can seem to be on the overprotective side when it comes to her granddaughter's tics. Emily Abatha doesn't mind her tics. However, her older cousin Matthew ridicules her, he uses her tics as an excuse for what his real problem is among his aunt's family. -I was wondering if I could get feedback from anyone just telling me if I should add more information on TS or anything. I'm trying to aim this at teens. I'm trying to make this more "down to earth" something that can be related to them, even their past like childhood. Growing up with anything is tough for a kid. But God is always there. God Bless.
  3. Hi. I am new to this board, and I am having problems with my asperger's and with that comes comobrid conditions such as adhd, ocd, and other problems. Right now my biggest problem is the ocd. My obsessions are really coming out. I am 22 years old and I am having an odd obession with tourette's syndrome. I think it in my mind constantly , I've even talked it with my mom, she's getting annoyed. I'm seeing a counselor tomorrow. But the tourette's obsession is scaring me a bit, it has started in 2003. I feel like a freak. Also my ocd is pertaining to a crush that I have. It's started out as a tiny crush from 2 years ago on a friend of mine, but now it's lingered on and on and I think of him and fantasize about him and I doing things. He already has a girlfriend who I have yet to meet. I'm anxious and happy for him. Out of all his friends I've told only one person about what's been going on with me. I feel so evil having this side of me come out. I don't like it at all. I've talked to family and they say 'you can't help the way you feel about him'. But we're good friends and that's all I want from us. I want the friendship to last forever. I don't know what to do, I've been praying and that's good but to be honest...I need some advice fast, I don't want things to get worse. If anyone can tell me what's going on with me. Thanks. God Bless. -I saw my theraphist, everything is going to be fine. I apologize for this kind of entry. Please forgive me.
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