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Everything posted by JAC

  1. Giselle, I think it has to do with being indoors, possibly with less circulation of fresh air. During winter and during the winter holidays, people have more candles burning (scented?), all perfumes from hand soaps, dishwashing soaps and other detergents bombard the senses. Could all the chemicals in the indoor, winter air cause tic symptoms to increase? When I suggested this to my dentist in early January, along with removing casein from her son's diet, she immediately sought out Sheila's book and the ACN website. She removed all her holiday candles, plug-in air fresheners, and scented candles. She also eliminated her son's two-bowl-a-day habit of eating ice cream. She reported that within 4 days her son was virtually tic free. (Not Tourette's since no vocal tic) They had been worried about his head jerking and eye blinking for years! That almost seems unrealistic. Maybe it was just the removal of ice cream or both. It's all a mystery! JAC (Jill)
  2. Brenda, It took us so long to realize that my son's moodiness was not bad behavior; it was the Tourette's. Once I realized this, it completely changed the way I approached almost every situation with my son. I immediately became more patient and even more responsive. I do not, however, allow my son to be rude or disrespectful to me, other family members, or other adults/teachers. If these situations occur, we discuss the inappropriate behavior and it is corrected by him with an apology or a reversal of wording/tone, etc. Sometimes he is completely "spent" from his symptoms of OCD and Tourette's. His exhaustion sometimes results in extreme irritability with an extreme "attitude". (Sometimes it is hard to determine if his behavior is normal 6th grade/12 year old boy manipulation/attitude or the Tourette's/OCD/depression.) He is a MUCH happier individual since we removed dairy and sugar (with MINIMAL exceptions on occasions)from his diet and added supplements. He is more reasonable and does not cry for 20-40+ minutes in his bed each night before he falls to sleep. THAT is an absolute blessing! JAC
  3. Thanks, Chemar and Sydsmom... This is very helpful. I couldn't remember the preservative name, although I had heard it only once before. A second MMR is required along with Hep B. I'll have to get my son's immunization card out and check it out. I never thought twice when my boys were babies/toddlers about vaccines. Now I'm living in a whole different world. I do have concerns about not immunizing, but I certainly don't need anything triggering more issues with my son's health. Thanks again! JAC
  4. Kim, I appreciate all your advice and details. The websites you listed are definitely helpful, and I'll now start some research. As I replied to Chemar, I never gave immunizations a second thought. When my son's were babies, we just dutifully did as we were told. I didn't even know that Tourette's was in my family until we drew some conclusions after the symptoms began with my oldest son. I never even showd symptoms of depression until my youngest was about the age of 1 (I was 33). It has certainly thrown my family into a different reality. I'm obviously new to this forum and have had some trouble replying appropriately, etc. It's taken me a couple of days to even get back to the forum since I posted (A family of 6 keeps me pretty busy!). I hope you'll check it! Thanks again, JAC
  5. Can anybody give me advice on the immunizations required before I may register my son for middle school in California? (He has TS. OCD, Depression) I now have concerns about these immunizations for him. I know how much the supplements have helped him along with removing environmental perfumes and etc. I know I can ask for certain immunizations that may be less harmful for him. Advice on this requirement for middle school or specifics about these immunizations in particular? Thanks!
  6. Wow! I really feal for you. My son's vocal tics have been so disruptive that people make comments about the "barking sound", and he was almost removed from a children's matinee at a local performing arts center because someone was annoyed by his disruptive noise (at a children's matinee!!). My son took Orap, which really helped to decrease his vocal tics. SIDE EFFECTS were unbearable. Once we realized that the side effects were making him so uncomfortable and not the TS, we took him off. Since we removed dairy/sugar/environmental and personal perfumes, he has gone from 10-20 vocal tic (barks) per minute to fewer than 2. We were simply amazed that in such a short time we could see such change in him. I took the advice of a friend, whose son has cerebral palsy, and from my aunt since my first cousin is autistic. It was excellent advice! I've posted several times tonight. I've said the same thing in each posting. (It's been a while since I've logged on! I've been so busy with my son!) Good new is so great to pass on though!
  7. I have two sons, same father. My oldest (11) has TS+. His symptoms started at about age 6. He was diagnosed at age 8. His symptoms progressively worsened and have peeked at this point. It's hard to imagine going through anything worse with him. He was allergy tested and appears to not be allergic to anything on the face of the earth. Removed dairy, sugar, environmental/personal perfumes...BIG difference in our son!! My youngest (8) started showing some mild symptoms at about age 7 1/2. He still has the same mild symptoms at 8 1/2 with no significant increase. Has a mild grass allergy, takes daily allergy medication. My oldest was uncomfortable in his own skin from day 1. My youngest was easy-going from day 1. I SIMPLY LOVE THEM BOTH AND WOULDN'T TRADE EITHER!!
  8. Hi! Wow! How two stories can be so alike! My son, too, is in 6th grade, and we had a similar situation with his football team. Boys were mimicking and badgering him. I spoke to all parents through e-mail. My son was not happy I did this, but the results were incredible. All that had been a problem was no longer a problem. He, too, did not want to acknowledge his TS in any way, shape, or form and was furious. He was FURIOUS that I told everyone; however, after I quoted several parents' replies, his heart softened and he almost cried after hearing their responses. After that incident, within one or two days of my e-mail, I actually heard him speak to a couple of his team mates about his TS. That was the first time I had ever heard him say it out loud to anybody but me. (His diagnosis was about three years prior.) He couldn't see how anybody could ever understand his "problems". Remember, besides the TS, your son's age plays a big part of how he responds to things. My son with TS is my oldest. Sometimes it's hard to determine if it is preteen drama or the TS (and spectrum of disorders) causing all the emotion. Another similarity...My son twirled for a couple of years on and off. It "was" usually when he was extremely excited about something. He even did it during tackle football. His coaches said it was a good distraction for the other team! The twirling was quite common/daily at least until recently. I haven't seen a twirl since football season ended in mid-November. Recent changes we've made, removing dairy,sugar, scented items in home and used personally seems to have made a gigantic difference with our son's mood and especially vocal tics. The vocal tics went from 10-20 per minute to fewer than 2 per minute. Good luck to you!
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