Wow! How two stories can be so alike!
My son, too, is in 6th grade, and we had a similar situation with his football team. Boys were mimicking and badgering him. I spoke to all parents through e-mail. My son was not happy I did this, but the results were incredible. All that had been a problem was no longer a problem.
He, too, did not want to acknowledge his TS in any way, shape, or form and was furious. He was FURIOUS that I told everyone; however, after I quoted several parents' replies, his heart softened and he almost cried after hearing their responses. After that incident, within one or two days of my e-mail, I actually heard him speak to a couple of his team mates about his TS. That was the first time I had ever heard him say it out loud to anybody but me. (His diagnosis was about three years prior.) He couldn't see how anybody could ever understand his "problems".
Remember, besides the TS, your son's age plays a big part of how he responds to things. My son with TS is my oldest. Sometimes it's hard to determine if it is preteen drama or the TS (and spectrum of disorders) causing all the emotion.
Another similarity...My son twirled for a couple of years on and off. It "was" usually when he was extremely excited about something. He even did it during tackle football. His coaches said it was a good distraction for the other team! The twirling was quite common/daily at least until recently. I haven't seen a twirl since football season ended in mid-November.
Recent changes we've made, removing dairy,sugar, scented items in home and used personally seems to have made a gigantic difference with our son's mood and especially vocal tics. The vocal tics went from 10-20 per minute to fewer than 2 per minute.
Good luck to you!