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  1. I am both familiar with Applied Kinesiology as well as Brain Balance Centers. In my experience, there is not an official AK protocol for PANDAS or tics. There are a number of people who do muscle response testing, which is kind of a spin off of AK. One that seems to work some of the time is NAET, an allergy elimination technique which uses muscle response testing as it's diagnostic tool. In my experience, I've had good results using this technique for PANDAS. There is a person I would consult about AK and PANDAS/tics in West Los Angeles by the name of Dr. Jim Blumenthal who is very active with the (previous) DAN group and teaches AK and autism. You might contact him and ask what his experience is with PANDAS. Brain Balance Centers operate from an entirely different level/prospective. The purpose of Brain Balance is to use physical rehabilitation techniques from functional neurology to balance areas of the brain suffering from what is known as a "disconnection syndrome". Brain Balance has an excellent reputation with reducing tics, and I've seen a few children with tics become tic-free. Unfortunately, there are no "magic bullets" in my experience. Each of the things I've mentioned have had positive experiences, and I'm sure that there have been not-so-positive experiences though. Hope all goes well with you and yours. Gary
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