I'm new here, but PM'd a couple of members privately and got some wonderful information. Now I thought I'd throw it out to the group. My son just turned 13. In February, 2008 he had a cold/sore throat and headache, and stopped speaking. He saw a neurologist who put him on neurontin, and his speech came back in a couple of weeks.
He had a similar episode in 2010, and another in March of this year, except this time his voice has not come back. He had a terrible headache for several months, and some sleeping issues which seems to be under control now. The pediatrician initially did a throat culture which was negative for strep, and he has had an MRI, seen an allergist and neurologist, and his pediatrician, who say that it is all psychological.
My husband and younger son both have lyme, so he has seen an LLMD, and the Igenex tests are negative for lyme, but slightly equivocal for bartonella and babesia, so he was put on Rifampin, Azithromycin, and Mepron. (I haven't started the Mepron yet, - he doesn't seem to have any symptoms of babesia, and we wanted to make sure he's not allergic to the first 2). His mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG abs came back at 608u/ml, (normal is 0-99), but his IgM abs was normal.
A counselor thinks it might be related to PANDAS and/or lyme. Has anyone else had similar symptoms, or suggestions?
Thanks so much!