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  1. Did you son ever associate any pain with it?
  2. I keep referencing this tic my son is currently experiencing. It is a hiccup type movement but when my son does it he complains that his "pee pee" hurts. It never occured to me that maybe it is an urge rather than pain. It's all too bizzare to me and I can't figure out what he is trying to tell me.
  3. For about three weeks now my son has had this tic that resembles the type of movement that your torso would make if you had the hiccups only there is no hiccup sound associated with it. Has anyone ever experienced this type of tic before? I don't know if I should clasify this as a tic or not. We have gone through all the other usual ones...eye blinking, shoulder shrugging...
  4. Hello. I'm back to square one with my son's tics. This past Saturday he began to tic from his upper torso almost as if he had hiccups then he would bend over and complain that his penis hurt. This same type tic happend a couple of years ago at which time my son came back positive with strep. My son did have a strep infection two weeks ago but the tic started ten days after the strep infection. We had a strep culture done and that came back normal. So now or doctor is sending us back to a neurologist who two years ago did not provide much help. I'm so distressed and and don't know where to turn now that I feel like we have gotten no where with the doctors. Any suggestions what I should do now. Thankfully our pediatrician seems to be open to my suggestions.
  5. Hello everyone. It's been a while since I have been here. It's been almost two years since my son was thought to have had an episode of PANDAS. We still have incidents where my son goes about a week with various tics but in the two years he has only had two incidents where his tics and strep were linked. My son is now 5, this all started at just under age 3. Anyhow my middle son is about 3 and a 1/2 and he seems to have a blinking tic much how my 5 yr old started. Anyone else have multiple children that all seem to have exhibited the same pattern of tics? I have a third son; he will be 2 in June. I now fear he too may one day tic. Does anyone have any suggestions for me as far as getting my children evaluated as a group? A co-worker of mine suggested seeing a geneticist. I also don't know if I should have my middle son tested for anything. Other than the strep my oldest had he has never been diagnosed with anything else despite have seen various types of doctors.
  6. I have another quick question on PANDAS. For everyone whose child was diagnosed with PANDAS, did your child already have a tic/OCD prior to the PANDAS diagnosis. What I am trying to determine is if children who develop PANDAS if they have already had an existing tic. Also, which type doctor made the PANDAS diagnosis for your kids?
  7. I went back and read a lot of your original post. It is a lot of information. We are going to see a neurologist on Tuesday per recomendation of our pediatrician. My son has been off antibiotics for a week now. The initial abdominal tic that started all this has not returned, I thank God everyday as that tic caused me so much anguish. We are still dealing with the blinking tic. After reading some of your post, it is clicking to me that perhaps the TV is a factor. My son watches way too much TV. No high action shows, at least not what I would consider high action, only watchs Disney chanel and PBS. I have noted that the blinking tic is worse at night before bed. I'm going to try to limit his TV time and make sure his TV area is better lit when he is watching. ad_ccl: Did you ever see a neurologist and what was your experience like?
  8. Dear ad_ccl: Thank you for your reply. Your reply really struck me in that your story sounds just like mine. Just today I was telling my husband that I think the sniffles my son has had for a week now is the cause of the blinking tic. While my son was being treated with antibiotics for strep, he was fine but almost 24 hours after being of the medication he began with the blinking tic. You have provided me much hope that we will get these problems under control.
  9. Pardon my ignorance but I have read a lot of postings that refer to a DAN doctor. What is a DAN doctor?
  10. Thanks so much Ronnas. You mentioned flare-ups. When does your son have a flare-up? Does he get sick which causes a flare-up? Like I mentioned, my son was diagnosed with strep but what I am not sure is if the strep caused all the tics. He has had a runny nose for the past week which makes me wonder if this is why the blinking tic has not stopped. What type of tics are most commonly associated with PANDAS?
  11. Late last year my 3 yr old son developed a blinking tic. It stopped after about a week then returned several months laters. This happed off and on for several months. In about April or May of this year he developed a neck tic in which he would brush his chin to his shoulder. That too stopped after about a month. Then last month, 8/17/05, he developed an abdominal tic in which his stomach would contract, and his legs would cross. This just terrified me as the tic was about every 3 seconds. The following day a visit to our pediatrician a rapid strep test came back positive. After two rounds of antibiotics, a rapid strep test came back negative but he has continued with the blinking tic and neck tic only now he just turns his neck abruptly. Our doctor recomended I read about PANDAS. I have but somethings remain unclear to me. 1) Is it possible the blinking and neck tics are one condition and the abdominal tic was a result of PANDAS. It seems the abdominal tic stopped with the antibiotic treatment. 2) Does PANDAS ever go away? 3) What can I do today to help stop the blinking and neck tics? We are visiting a neurologist and ENT doctor next week but I am afraid they are going to send us home with medications. I want to treat this naturally first. I am having a hard time coping with the fact that I did not take my son to the doctor upon the onsett of the blinking tic assuming that is when the strep began. I have two younger sons and I fear that they may too develop this. I am so thankful that this forum exists becasue as least now I no I am not alone. I look forward to hearing from anyone!
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