I went back and read a lot of your original post. It is a lot of information. We are going to see a neurologist on Tuesday per recomendation of our pediatrician. My son has been off antibiotics for a week now. The initial abdominal tic that started all this has not returned, I thank God everyday as that tic caused me so much anguish. We are still dealing with the blinking tic. After reading some of your post, it is clicking to me that perhaps the TV is a factor. My son watches way too much TV. No high action shows, at least not what I would consider high action, only watchs Disney chanel and PBS. I have noted that the blinking tic is worse at night before bed.
I'm going to try to limit his TV time and make sure his TV area is better lit when he is watching.
Did you ever see a neurologist and what was your experience like?