Our son has had PANDAS since last winter. He was an extreme case that convinced the neurologist. Our pediatrician is still in the mind set of she is not sure it exists, but believes he has had shown the symptoms. He shows anxiety, obsessions, emotional liability, tics, problems in math, and some extreme tantrums. We have have tried various testings, antibiotics, and steriod bursts. He is allergic to penicillins. Azithoromycin causes him extreme pain from the stomach issues. We tried probiotics, yougurt, nothing helped. The last day he took one he was in the bathroom all night long with diarrhea. He was screaming because his bottom hurt so bad. Next we tried the steriod burst. He took 40 mg yesterday morning and for the first time in weeks, actually went outside after school and played with the neighborhood kids. This was a huge sign because he has always been an outdoors kid, active, and that had stopped suddenly. Last night we were up all night. The bone and joint pain from the prednisone was severe. We tried heat, cold, rubbing them, ibruphroen, and nothing settled the pain. He cried and cried.
I am so tired of watching my child in pain from the medications. I am so tired of watching him suffer from PANDAS. I feel we are at the end and he will have to live with the PANDAS active, but how? He doesn't enjoy himself, he doesn't play, is completely anxious all the time, and obsesses over everything.
Does anyone have any other ideas of possible treatments? My doctor is consulting with a specialist in Southern Maine, but I can't just sit back and wait for them to come up with ideas.