We are in crisis mode over here. My four year old son can no longer function. Everything has to be said with correct intonation, we have to repeat the word okay a minimum of 2x to everything he says without my 1 and 2 year olds interrupting....the list goes on and on. We are not able to leave the house. He is in a constant state of melting down. It breaks my heart. Our pediatric neurologist has dx my son with severe OCD and Tourettes. Upon my insistence his doctors checked for PANDAS with an antidnase B and strep titer testing. Results were normal. To my knowledge my son has not had a known strep infection, nor have my other children. Our environmental md, neurologist, pediatrician have said the above listed info rules out PANDAS. Does it? I am having a difficult time understanding such severe and sudden onset of all of these symptoms. We have been dealing with this for almost 2 years now. Doctors want to start prozac and I am having a hard time justifying putting such a young child on drugs. FYI, we have tried chiropractic, a so so (in my opinion) environmental/DAN doctor. We are supplementing with ASD plex (multivitamin) and getting ready to try inositol. We are on an almost no sugar diet, no preservatives, no dyes. Any other suggestions. How do some of you cope? I do not see light at the end of the tunnel for functioning again....We are in a decent sized city in the midwest but no Pandas docs here. We are on a tight budget and my husband is ready for us to try the Prozac. I would love to hear suggestions. Thank you.
fyi, i have posted before but was having difficulty signing in and could not be found on the forum when I gave my email, etc. so my screen name has slightly changed.