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  1. My G-son had the IVIG 4 weeks ago. It was an awful ordeal over 2 days. His symptoms have worsened so I don't believe it worked for him. I doubt we'll put him through that again, don't think there is any way he would willingly get a second treatment. We were told this would hopefully stop the attack on his brain but were also told that if he gets strep again, he will get PANDAS again. Antibiotics have only been given when a case of strep is reported in the area/school and avoided strep 3 times last year before it snuck in over Christmas break. We have to pow-wow with his Pediatrician and Dr.U from CH of Boston to figure out what we do next. We just wish this episode would subside already and give us our sweet boy and our happy life back! Thank you for your post. PeacenLove Always
  2. I am going to try this with my Grandson.(spaced learning) He is in constant motion even when doing schoolwork. We've been doing boardgames in the evening with him, needs us close by and I'm afraid any suggestion of schoolwork would be one of those battles we wouldn't win. He can count money like a seasoned cashier tho ) Monopoly rocks! Thanks again PeacenLove Always
  3. Thank you for this post. We are having a terrible time homeschooling my Grandson. Mother is worried he will be held back and then we'll never get him back to school. This is his 3rd PANDAS episode. Because he is so obstinate and argumentative, this G'ma has a hard time being too stern with him.I and his Uncles are his tutors while Mom and Dad work full time. They dive in when they get home or try to. Often met with stern resistance. He is a brilliant sensitive and sweet child(when not under attack) and his teachers and school have gone out of their way to give us whatever we need to work with him. He needs one of us to be there in the class with him or he melts down. I love that you suggested relaxing OURSELVES and that in turn may give us more smiles from our little guy. His teachers are not worried about him not making the grade. I guess we just have to REALLY accept that and work on some activities that are learning disguised as fun. Really....when he feels like it he can hammer out in 2 hours what his class prolly learns in 4 days. This disorder has nearly taken us all down and I guess we all just need to take a big breath and treasure the little moments where we see that child we know. They're so few lately. He had IVIG one month ago and I am sad to say his symptoms have worsened and I don't think my daughter is willing to do anything else right now....we are so heartbroken. We need to find some way to get back to happy in this crazy household.... Anyway, thank you for the "hall pass". I know I feel better after reading what you had to say and I hope I can calm the rest of the family with this info and forum. PeacenLove!
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