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Everything posted by DandV

  1. Is buying Feingold worth it?? cc: ADHD forum
  2. Is buying Feingold worth it??? cc:Tics and Tourettes
  3. Thanks Colleen, No my daughter has not been on any meds for a long while. Is there something that I could print out and bring to the doctors to strengthen my case?? Thanks Veronica
  4. Hi...I got the results back from my dd ASO titre. it said 60 <116 I'm assuming that 60 is her number and <116 is the norm range. What does this mean and where should I go from here? Long story short...January 1st she woke up a different kid. All the symptoms of PANDAS (of course I did not know about PANDAS until recently) Any comments. Veronica
  5. I read something somewhere a while ago and I can't remember where or what I read but it mentioned something about Diclectin. So I was just wondering. Hi Veronica, Yes I also was on Diclectin with 3 of my 4 pregnancies due to extreme morning sickness...each preganancy lasted longer. My son, being my first, is the only one I was NOT on Diclectin with, at least I have no record of it and am quite sure I was unaware of it at the time. I cannot say with 100% certainty but am pretty sure... and he is the one with Vocal Tic Disorder. I delayed immunizations with all my kids, nursed for well over a year, seemingly did all the right things...sometimes I think there is just the wrong cocktail of "things" that trigger a response we have no control over, whether genetically disposed or other. Two of my girl have also shown signs of transient tics and sensitivites and I continue to watch and hold my breath. Can I ask what had you asking about Diclectin? To be honest it wasn't something I really questioned even after his tics emerged (he was around 5) funny because I questioned everything else !!(which again makes me believe I didn't use it with his pregnancy) but I too would love to hear if others used it or something similar. Megan
  6. Hey I was just wondering....I was on Diclectin while pregnant with my son who has a tic disorder. I am wondering if anyone else was on it and their child has the same issue. My daughter has also been diagnosed with OCD and Anxiety. I was on Diclectin while pregnant with her as well. Thanks for sharing. Veronica
  7. Hi all, I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place. Our resume: 13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement. 10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week. 10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability. 1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive) We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc? Thanks Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD
  8. Hi all, I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place. Our resume: 13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement. 10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week. 10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability. 1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive) We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc? Thanks Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD
  9. Hi all, I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place. Our resume: 13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement. 10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week. 10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability. 1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive) We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc? Thanks Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD
  10. Hi all, I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place. Our resume: 13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement. 10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week. 10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability. 1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive) We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc? Thanks Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD
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