I know how hard it can be when the tics suddenly seem to get worse. There is so much good advice on this forum, so many ideas, results and possibilities and it's quite natural that you should want to explore various options, experiment and eliminate. But unfortunately, with TS, I really believe that the greedy Touretty brain often just 'decides' to dump obstacles along the way - often alarming, violent and exhausting things. I'm sure there are ways to help control things, but ultimately we are dealing with something so deep and unexplored in the brain that we are left desperately searching for the proverbial needle in the haystack.
But don't despair too much. The violent tics do seem to go in phases but the violence usually decreases at some point, all on its own. I have TS very severely and although right now I'm going through a shattering time with my tics, I do know that at some stage they will calm a bit. It's the not knowing when that bothers me.
When all else fails and I'm desperate, I try to 'float' through, accepting that things are as they are, and, curiously, this accepting is rather calming. I tell my family to float too, when they see me in a state, as their reactions, whether alarm or heartbreak, can unsettle me.
Good luck and strength to you.