I am new to the forum too. My ds6 has had a tic for 2 months after exposure to Strep. In Nov. Dr. put him on Cedax for 10 days and he got a little better but had a tic. I didn't know about PANDAS at the time so I thought the behavior would extinguish itself. Two months later he still he licks his hands and then wets around his eyes about repeatedly. This week he was dx with Tic Disorder from the pediatrician, but when I mentioned PANDAS and putting him on abx she told me that PANDAS was not his dx. She did refer us onto a neurologist, but 3 days later still do not have an appointment. Blood test for antibodies was run today. Waiting on results. My reason for thinking my son has PANDAS is the sudden onset of tics in conjunction with strep. He was not dx with strep at the time, but he and I were both exposed.
My son wasn't diagnosed with strep prior to his onset either, in fact, I had taken him for a swab culture and it turned out negative which was why, when initially diagnosed with TS, I didn't really research the possiblity of pandas. Did your pediatrician order the test for antibodies?