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jane s

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  1. Hi Jane S, Well, where to begin. If you are going to take the adderall xr, you should take it as prescribed. although there is 'talk' about a lot of college/high school students abusing the medicine by purchasing it from another source and taking it when they need to cram for an exam, it will have a not so good effect on them in the long run. As with most medicines that are prescribed, your body needs a constant level maintained for the results to be consistant. i experienced much of the same symptoms that you do and the adderall has really helped me a lot. as for forming a dependency, i honestly cannot tell you how your body will react. It is a narcotic, and that is always a risk with a controlled substance. i do not have an addictive personality. i have smoked cigarettes for years and quit cold turkey where others cannot. i have had caffeine for many days on end through years and just stopped my intake without any side effects where relatives of mine have had to suffer through caffeine "detox" withdrawel migranes. whether or not you can form a dependency is completely determined by personality, or genetics. however, if you are going to take the medicine, i would take it every day. also, you should not just "stop" taking the medicine. i myself have developed deep depressions when i have forgotten to take in a new prescription to be filled before running out of the last months supply. I also have experienced migranes b/c it is recommended that the weaning be slow and the dosages be lowered the same way they were increased, 5 mg at a time under the care of your Dr. i don't have a problem with sleep, but i take my capsule detween 5:30 and 6am every morning. i take 25mg at a time along with 60 mg of Cymbalta b/c I am a type A personality and tend to expect the same high performance i exert from everyone around me. so, this helps me to be a little more patient. Well, i hope my rambling helped. If you can concentrate better , and can study longer, then it is working. your exam situation may have been from the random off and on of the medicine. Or, you may have taken your meds too close to when you took the exam. please give the meds a try following the prescribed instructions before you quit. If the possibility of depenency is weighing heavily on you, then perhaps your Dr. can prescribe something comparable that is not a narcotic. Take Care, ~Laura 8518[/snapback] 8557[/snapback] Hi, Laura thanks for your reply. Your advice really helps. I now have been taken the medication everyday and tomorrow I will complete my first week. I no longer am getting cold as much, and am no longer having as difficult a time sleeping. I am now able to sleep at around 1:30-2:00 which is defiantly an improvement over 3:00-3:30. Over all I feel as though the medicine does help me study but in terms of energy or memory, there still has been no improvement. I also am having a difficult time making a steady scheduled time to take the medication because I wake up at different times everyday. Three days a week I wake up at around 7 while the other four days times very from 9, 10, and 11. I take the medication right when I wake up but the timing varies day to day and I don’t know if that’s okay. I also have notice that around 7 or 8 I get very sleepy and after my hour nap I can stay awake till 2 in the morning. If I don’t take a nap I feel very tired and I cannot do anything the rest of the night. If you or anyone reading this has any further advice please help. Thanks Jane
  2. Hi Jane S, Well, where to begin. If you are going to take the adderall xr, you should take it as prescribed. although there is 'talk' about a lot of college/high school students abusing the medicine by purchasing it from another source and taking it when they need to cram for an exam, it will have a not so good effect on them in the long run. As with most medicines that are prescribed, your body needs a constant level maintained for the results to be consistant. i experienced much of the same symptoms that you do and the adderall has really helped me a lot. as for forming a dependency, i honestly cannot tell you how your body will react. It is a narcotic, and that is always a risk with a controlled substance. i do not have an addictive personality. i have smoked cigarettes for years and quit cold turkey where others cannot. i have had caffeine for many days on end through years and just stopped my intake without any side effects where relatives of mine have had to suffer through caffeine "detox" withdrawel migranes. whether or not you can form a dependency is completely determined by personality, or genetics. however, if you are going to take the medicine, i would take it every day. also, you should not just "stop" taking the medicine. i myself have developed deep depressions when i have forgotten to take in a new prescription to be filled before running out of the last months supply. I also have experienced migranes b/c it is recommended that the weaning be slow and the dosages be lowered the same way they were increased, 5 mg at a time under the care of your Dr. i don't have a problem with sleep, but i take my capsule detween 5:30 and 6am every morning. i take 25mg at a time along with 60 mg of Cymbalta b/c I am a type A personality and tend to expect the same high performance i exert from everyone around me. so, this helps me to be a little more patient. Well, i hope my rambling helped. If you can concentrate better , and can study longer, then it is working. your exam situation may have been from the random off and on of the medicine. Or, you may have taken your meds too close to when you took the exam. please give the meds a try following the prescribed instructions before you quit. If the possibility of depenency is weighing heavily on you, then perhaps your Dr. can prescribe something comparable that is not a narcotic. Take Care, ~Laura 8518[/snapback]
  3. Hi, I have many questions in regards to Adderall 15 mg capsule xr. I have just started to use it because everything else that I have tried never helped and my grades are suffering a lot. wheather at school, work , or home my mind is never in my head. I felt as though my memory was bad and I would forget basic everyday knowledge. I started the medication a week ago and use it only I days that I feel like i need it, because I don't want to develope tolerance for the medication. I'm 20 years old and plan on staying in school for at least 5 more years. I don't know if taking the medication daily will help me more in school, or if taking it when I have studying is more bennifical. I do know that I probably need the medication everyday but I am scared to become addicated. When I take the medication I develope dry mouth, I get very cold but feel as though I can concentrate and actually study verse not taking it and having my mind wonder or fall asleep. It does help me study and feel confident about school, but I recently had an exam and I messed everything up, things that are so obivouse to me just thinking back about the exam. A major problem I am having is going to sleep which is why my Pharmisist suggested I no longer use the Xr form but itstead the immediate- release. My doctor want me to use the RX for the rest of the month but I am scared that the outcome will be worse than what the benifit is supposed to be. An example is this morning I took the medication and I feel physically and mentally strained, I don't know if its because I don't have a steady way of taking the medication or if its because by body is still not used to it. I welcome any advice I really don't know what to do. I also heard people can become depressed by using this medication. Is there any truth to it. Well i'm going to stop talking but please if anyone can help I do welcome it. Thanks a lot
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