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Everything posted by scorpio1

  1. My 8 year old son was diagnosed with PANDAS. He has been taking penicillin for four months and seems much better. His symptoms were tics,a heart murmur, voice fading while reading and handwriting changes. He no longer has tics, but is left with a raspy voice.
  2. My 8 year old son has Pandas and sees Dr Russell Steele in Infectious Disease at Ochsner Children's Health Center in New Orleans-504-842-3900. We have been very pleased with his results.
  3. I am amazed at the difference in my son's handwriting since he has been on penicillin for PANDAS! It has taken a few months, but we cannot believe the before and after. In addition, his tics have improved as well as his focus. He was a zombie before starting the medication.I am interested in reading about what others are experiencing...
  4. My 8 year old son developed PANDAS during the summer of 2010. He was given a penicillin shot by his pediatrician and has been taking oral penicillin from an infectious disease specialist in New Orleans for four months. A heart murmur was also discovered and we were told that it is typical of PANDAS patients. My son's tics seem better, but his voice has been raspy for two weeks now. Two days ago he became ill with 102 degree fever and a severe sore throat, which could be the cause. I would also like to add that until he started his antibiotic, his voice would fade to very quiet while reading. Within a couple of weeks of being on the penicillin, his volume control improved.
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