I am a concerned step-aunt of a 16 yr old boy. His father, married to my sister, is currently attempting to acquire residential custody of his 2 boys (the older son above). During the beginning of testamony, the ex-wife has the boy's pediatrician, stating the boy has initial symptoms of tourett's, but says there is no way to test for it. My brother-in-law has wanted the boy to be seen by a pediatric neurologist, psychitrist, etc.. for further evaluation to truly detrmine what his diagnoses my be. Howver, the ex-wife has made no attempt tohave the boy fully evaluated by anyone other that his pediatrician. Two questions: Should the boy be seen by a specialist inorder to determine if the apprpriate interventions are in place? and Are there ways tic disorders can be tested?? Looking for info to try and help the boy and my brother-in-law to see this boy gets the treatment he fully deserves. Can you help me in any way?