Just some thoughts to ponder, As was stated in an earlier reply, we are really on the forefront of something much larger than any of us really know. Myself, I have an 18 year old who is being treated in Detroit by Dr. Chugani. I know that through Nathans PET scan his right frontal lobe and the complete right side of the Basal Ganglia are inflammed extensivly. It is my opnion that had Nathan been diagnossed at a much younger age perhaps the symptoms would not be so life altering. As with any inflammation, left untreated especially in the brain, there will come a time when it begins to cause damage probably within the inflammation itself. Parkensons Diesease is caused by degeneration of the Basal Ganglia. Could our kids PANDAS be a precurser to this diesease if the Pandas is left untreated??? The brain will heal by removing the bacteria, its just a matter of time and without further exposure to the bacteria during the healing process. My appologies for the spelling!!! The inflammation is so bad that my son has developed tics and tremors
simular to parkensons. He will have IVIG treatments next week...a hope and a lot of prayer.
This brings me to my second point. The wide range in the ages of kids that have symptoms. Time will tell as studies are released but there seems to be a direct corolation between symptoms, or what seem to be stages of symptoms, and the ages of children. PANDAS caught early perhaps treatments seem to be not so invasive? easier to maintain? Where as our kids that have lived with it longer say late teens early adulthood, without treatment are having a diffucult time with treatments and or maintaining. One thing we have to remember is that the frontal lobe and the Basal ganglia share the same protein as the strep bacteria. Thus a safe and easy place to hide once its in the blood stream. So when the body releasses antibodies to fight the bacteria one of two things are going to happen. one, its going to attack the bacteria and the part of the brain its attached to or, it not going to attack anything because it recognizes it as the brain.
Eljomom, you are not wacko, Its questions like yours that keep researchers busy getting answers, and answers are comming. So keep asking and insisting on answers.