Dear friends,
Hello, I am a PhD candidate in Developmental Psychology at the University of Waterloo, studying family dynamics and sibling relationships in families with a child with Tourette Syndrome.
Participating family members will each receive $20 CDN provided that both a parent and a sibling without TS of the individual with TS complete the required questionnaires. The participation of the individual with TS is optional but very welcome.
To conduct my research, I need the participation of at least one parent, and a healthy sibling of a person with TS over the age of 10. All the questionnaires are online, and all the information provided will remain confidential.
This study has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, The Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo. The participation of the families in this survey will not only contribute to the advancement of research on Tourette Syndrome, but also to our understanding of child development and family processes. Thanking you in advance.
Please visit the survey at :
Truly Yours
Marjan Maleki
Department of Psychology,200 University Avenue West , Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada