Help. My son is 7 years old. In September of this year my son started with excessive eye blinking. Our pediatrician said not to worry it will go away. But she had us get blood work drawn for strep which turned up negative. Just to be safe we made an appt with a neurologist. When the appt came his blinking was almost gone. We went anyways and reviewed his history. She said he had transient tic disorder. But everything had resolved on it's own. Until, this Christmas eve, my son started neck movements. I asked him if something was wrong with his neck, he just said it felt scratchy. Well then he started this bizarre neck twisting and turning. I wish I wouldn't have mentioned it. On Christmas he has been moving his neck, stretching it out. Etc. Most of the day. it does not appear he can stop it. he just said his neck feels stiff. I'll call the neurologist on Monday to set up an appt. What should I do until then? I'm thinking it was brought on by the anxiety of Christmas and lots of people, but he continues to have neck movements. We gave hin some Tylenol for the soreness.
What does soaking in Epsom salt do? I could try that first. Do you think this will go away? I'm scared and I'm sure he is to. I read your posts there is a lot we could try, but I sure would appreciate any comments, I can't sleep.
Should we talk with him about it or try to ignore it.