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  1. Dear PANDAS Forum I am a 27 year old male who has been suffering from PANDAS since I was 14. My symptoms have always been pretty bad but lately they've been out of control. It all started about 5 months ago when I underwent a course of IVIG. For about 2 month after the procedure I saw a little improvement, but then I was diagnosed with Mono. So I dealt with that for about 3 months and felt extremely tired and fatigued as you would expect. Since then I've suffered from severe depression and anxiety. I even had to quit my job. So since I quit my job I spend nearly all of my time secluded in my room watching television and movies. I sometimes go weeks without leaving the house and when I do I get very nervous and anxious. I hate living like this and feel like I'm wasting my life away. I feel like a complete loser and I hate myself and my life. I did see an alternative doctors who did a lot of test and it turns our I have Lyme's Disease. I'm going to start taking the antibiotics on Monday and I hope they will help. Yet I hear that I will probably feel worse before I get better. I feel like this disease has ruined my life.
  2. Dear Melanie, I received IVIG in 2000 but had a severe allergic reaction. I just had another IVIG at the end of September but developed Mono four weeks after. I was DXed in 1998 after a case of strep throat. I had severe contamination OCD and minor tics. I was treated with antibiotics and then Psych medications. I still take many Psych medication which are no help. I have been taking Zith. since last summer. There was little to no change. Yet a Prednisone burst did help quite a bit. I will look at coinfections soon.
  3. Dear Melanie, I received IVIG in 2000 but had a severe allergic reaction. I just had another IVIG at the end of September but developed Mono four weeks after. I was DXed in 1998 after a case of strep throat. I had severe contamination OCD and minor tics. I was treated with antibiotics and then Psych medications. I still take many Psych medication which are no help. I have been taking Zith. since last summer. There was little to no change. Yet a Prednisone burst did help quite a bit. I will look at coinfections soon.
  4. Dear PANDAS forum, I am a 27 year old male who is suffering from PANDAS. I have lived with this disease for 13 years. It has been very difficult for me growing up with this condition. I have tried many forms of treatment like medication and IVIG without success. The pain of this disease has led me to depression, suicide attempts, drug addiction, and self-mutilation. It still causes me torment as an adult and I feel like it has ruined my life. I am unable to live on my own and I cannot hold down a real job. I am still severely depressed and am very unhappy with my life. I know that many of you in the forum are parents of small children and I pray that they are more successful at fighting and dealing with this illness.
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