Dear Michael,
We have something in common. Questions. I need answers too. I have the same questions written down. My biggest fear is that the damage to the basal ganglia is permanent. My child does not have Autism, but does have OCD. No rituals her is mild and seems to be more the not eating route, saving (hoarding) items, picks at her skin. I cry everytime I start to thin about this whole issue.
She too has had many strep infections with one URI. Her ASO was also high and we are awaiting for the other antibody tests. She would often have sore throats but by the time we got to the doctor her culture would end up negative. I feel like a clueless parent, but even then I was convinced she was a carrier. We thought her symptoms were because of a major move-not the case. I've learned a lot reading your posts and I'm anxious to read more.
Thank you,