This is my first time posting. My five year old son has a tic. It started a year ago and he shifts his jaw. It began last January lasted only a few weeks, came back in July and lasted two months. It now returned this January and is still here but seems to be slowing down and hopefully ending. When the tics are present he also seems to be much more fidgety. We went to a nuerologist and she said she said it could be transient or at the same time it could be the beginning of tourette's.
I fear a day when it gets worse and they suggest meds. I went to a doctor that was recommended to me and they put him on a low sugar diet and ran several tests - yeast, allergy, metals.
My doctor is away and I got the Immuno Allergy tests back with a letter. He is allergic to bananas +1, cheese +1, egg +2, milk+1, rye+1, wheat+2, Yeast, brewers +2, yeast bakers+1. I am so confused. How do I eliminate all of these things. Also it said to eliminate them for three months and slowly reintroduce. Isn't it if your allergic, your allergic?
I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. I feel so lost in all of this information.