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Everything posted by kmtatt

  1. I have posted before and after going to the Homeopath my son has stopped ticcing. I am not sure if it was the diet, nystatin, fish oil or just a period of no tics. I am of course hoping they do not return but I am very aware that they might. The only issue now is the fidgeting. It is not really a big issue but I was wondering if anyone can help me with the supplements/vitamins that I could give him for the fidgeting. Although I saw a doctor I cannot afford to return because money is an issue but I would really like to address this issue. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. First of all "Lanie", I take offense that you suggest that I do not accept and love my son for who he is. How dare you judge people who look outside of the box for help. This board has offered me safe alternative ways to help find the reason for my son's tics. Something that the medical community does not seem to offer. I have an open mind and if there are safe effective ways to help eliminate his tics and fidgeting then I will pursue them. If anything through all of this he has adopted a much healthier way to eat. As for all of the other responses - Thank You! I appreciate all of the advice and information that was offered. I am going to reformulate a plan that allows my son to be happy but can also help me find the route of the tics. As I am so happy that the tics have subsided I know in my heart they will return and while it is easy for me right now I will probably be an emotional wreck when they return. My current diet I have been following with him is everything in moderation. Any more suggestions and advice are appreciated. I am happy to have found such good supportive people.
  3. I have posted here a few times. I took my son to a homeopath and he did testing. He had food sensitivity to eggs, wheat, milk, eggs, cheese and brewers and bakers yeast and bananas. Also he tested candida positive and had slightly elevated levels of animony and one other metal I cannot recall. He has a history of only one jaw stretching tic (but he is very fidgity). The tic appeared for about three weeks disappeared for seven months stayed another two months and returned four months later. In February, we started a diet and I started fish oils and nystatin and a probiotic. I had the intention of adding some other supplements but wanted to give them slowly. About two weeks into the diet and supplements the tics disappeared and then completely went away. He began to get very bored and frustrated with the diet and he does not know he has tics so he saw no need to do what he was doing. Alos, he lost a pound from not eating as much. He was almost on strike and he is in no position to lose weight. He was always taught about healthy food but he could now not understand that for instance watermelon and eggs were no longer healthy. He honestly is not capable of understanding this. Anyway, I began to question if I was doing all of this for me or for him so I decided to take a break and see if they return and when he wanted to get help for them then I would pursue the diet again. I still kept his diet pretty low in sugar low and cut out sweets. Well the tics have not returned and he is doing well. Still fidgety but doing well. Well that makes me very confused. Why are the tics still under control with no diet and supplements. Wouldn't they return if that were trully the cause. I am not questioning these theories but just trying to understand the timing and reasoning. Please respond with some comments on why his tics are still gone even with the diet and supplements stopped. Thanks!
  4. Dara, What a coincidence, I am also from New Jersey. When I went to the doctor I thought he was really good, but I am getting frustrated. He ran around my questions on the phone and really did not do a good job of telling me why he prescribed the things he did or answer my questions about bloodwork. I have this lost feeling. I really can't spend the money to go to another doctor because I am already out over $1500 and the diet and supplements are expensive. It was nice to hear from you. Karen
  5. Thank you very much! We are in the midst of starting a diet and supplements and now today we found out that my son has strep throat. So we are having a slight setback. I am going to buy the suggested book before I officially start anything. We have already been following a low sugar diet. Also, I am doing the supplements slowly. We started the fish oil and probiotic. Now we added the nystatin. We still have to add the Magnesium b6 and B Complex. We are waiting for I think it is called Gluclosimine (probably thw wrong spelling). Right now my doctor is away - what might the Gluclosimine be fore? Lastly, he gave us Zyman drops. Does anyone know what that specifically for? I think it is for his slighly elevated tin and antimony. I could not find any information of the Syman and am reluctant to use it before I get more info. Thank you so much for all of this wonderful support.
  6. First of all thank you to all of you who answered my post. If it wasn't for this website and all of the wonderful people, I would not have even know to go the alternative route. Chemar, Could you clarify the brewers versus bakers yeast and which effects candida? I am new to all of this and very confused. Thanks!
  7. I posted last week regarding my five year old son. His Imuno Bloodprint came back as sensitive to wheat, bananas, yeast, milk, eggs, and cheese. Just as I was trying to understand that he came back with a high level of candida positive. I am trying but having much difficulty in doing this diet. He is also on several supplements including a probiotic and a prescription for nystatin. Is it my understanding that the yeast could be the reason for his tics? My doctor came highly recommended but is very hard to get on the phone to answer my many questions. I tried the yeast free bread and my son threw it up. I am also having a very hard time getting all of the supplements in him. I just feel lost right now and could use some direction. Thanks!
  8. I posted last week regarding my five year old son. His Imuno Bloodprint came back as sensitive to wheat, bananas, yeast, milk, eggs, and cheese. Just as I was trying to understand that he came back with a high level of candida positive. I am trying but having much difficulty in doing this diet. He is also on several supplements including a probiotic and a prescription for nystatin. Is it my understanding that the yeast could be the reason for his tics? My doctor came highly recommended but is very hard to get on the phone to answer my many questions. I tried the yeast free bread and my son threw it up. I am also having a very hard time getting all of the supplements in him. I just feel lost right now and could use some direction. Thanks!
  9. This is my first time posting. My five year old son has a tic. It started a year ago and he shifts his jaw. It began last January lasted only a few weeks, came back in July and lasted two months. It now returned this January and is still here but seems to be slowing down and hopefully ending. When the tics are present he also seems to be much more fidgety. We went to a nuerologist and she said she said it could be transient or at the same time it could be the beginning of tourette's. I fear a day when it gets worse and they suggest meds. I went to a doctor that was recommended to me and they put him on a low sugar diet and ran several tests - yeast, allergy, metals. My doctor is away and I got the Immuno Allergy tests back with a letter. He is allergic to bananas +1, cheese +1, egg +2, milk+1, rye+1, wheat+2, Yeast, brewers +2, yeast bakers+1. I am so confused. How do I eliminate all of these things. Also it said to eliminate them for three months and slowly reintroduce. Isn't it if your allergic, your allergic? I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. I feel so lost in all of this information.
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