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Everything posted by NAT

  1. Well after 2 wks of asking what is being done about my DF daugther and her tics that have come from no where we got a email from them saying @had meeting and spoken with CAMHS woman yesterday with regards to concerns about ........., now just being decided on what route to take with .......mental health (pyschatrist) and/or paediartrician before proceeding any further. We should know what course of action they have decided to take within the next couple of weeks.' This has taken 6 wks to get them to do anything but why can there just not take her to the doctors and get a blood test done The have it in their heads that the tics have been brought on by stress !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was and wont have it anyway I done a video of the child and showed it to someone who has a older child who had tics bad when they were a kid and she was 100% sure it pandnas/ts
  2. Hi Thanks for your info i live in kent Uk It would be great if anyone knows of any local PANDAS doctors
  3. I tryed to get into the doctors 2night but no joy Will try again 2morrow Am i at risk ? And what do i say to the doctor other then i have a sore throat and i am pregnant ? what do i need to ask/tell him ?
  4. Yes i have had a sore thoat 2 days after having DF i got a sore thoat which was 24th oct and it wont go away I have not taken anything as i am preggers and we did not know at the time that was this child could have could be this I thought i just had a cold What blood test is needed? I just had my 28 wks blodd test done on mon fbc will this show anything ?
  5. We have my DF daughter every other weekend and half of hoildays The last 2 to 3 times we have had her we have noticed that she was shaking her head and then arms then kissing her teeth and then blowing raspberrys and more and more things She does it throughout the day and it was upsetting us seeing her do this So we asked her and she said 'Its someone in my head telling me to' so we told her to tell them to go away and that you can stop then Since then i have lloked up head shaking in kids and found this website We told her mum and nan who said that they know about it but had not said anything to us about it or done anything about her tics She has just got over a water infection which she had un treated for a week then on meds for 2 wks then she got a thoat infection which was not treated until she had it a few days which she was on meds for just over a week Since she has had all this infections the tics have appered from no where Her nan/mum seem to think her tics are caused by stress (mum and dad not with each other no more) but i think it might be because of these infections Her thoat infection i caught after 3 days of being around her and still have a bad thoat now and thats going into 3 wks since i got a sore thoat Any ideas on what needs to be done so i can tell nan/mum as much info as poss and they really dont seem that bothered about the whole thing My DF daugther is 8 years old
  6. Thankyou for you help so far I did not have a clue what it was until i typed in head shaking in kids I will take a look at the other thread
  7. Thankyou for you reply We only stoped telling her to stop kissing her teeth as people kepted looking at her like what a rude child She has had a urine infection and then a chest infection in the past 2 months As far as we know her food as not changed She dont live with us and we dont get told much from her mum/nan this problem was only brought up when we said we was worryed about her and they then said they know Could this tics be caused by the infections ?
  8. We have my DF daughter every other weekend and half of hoildays The last 2 to 3 times we have had her we have noticed that she was shaking her head and then arms then kissing her teeth and then blowing raspberrys and more and more things She does it throughout the day and it was upsetting us seeing her do this So we asked her and she said 'Its someone in my head telling me to' so we told her to tell them to go away and that you can stop then We told her mum and nan who said that they know about it but had not said anything to us about it since we have said something to her mum/nan the child seems to think its ok to do what she is doing because everyone think someone is telling her to do it and thats ok But in my eyes if you dont tell her to stop she does it more and more and more which is what is happing People are looking at her funny when out and it upset me as well as my DF . I have been looking on the net and found a link talking about head shaking tics in children but it is not much help If anyone can help me out with info or websites that would be great My DF daugther is 8 years old
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