Well after 2 wks of asking what is being done about my DF daugther and her tics that have come from no where we got a email from them saying
@had meeting and spoken with CAMHS woman yesterday with regards to concerns about ........., now just being decided on what route to take with .......mental health (pyschatrist) and/or paediartrician before proceeding any further. We should know what course of action they have decided to take within the next couple of weeks.'
This has taken 6 wks to get them to do anything but why can there just not take her to the doctors and get a blood test done
The have it in their heads that the tics have been brought on by stress !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was and wont have it anyway
I done a video of the child and showed it to someone who has a older child who had tics bad when they were a kid and she was 100% sure it pandnas/ts