I am the mom of a 14 year old boy with PANDAS, which he has had for about 5 years. He was just diagnosed a few months ago by a progressive MD in Northern CA, in addition to a brief email consult with both Dr. K and Dr. Cunningham. IVIG is his definite treatment of choice.
I am also fortunate to work in a large integrative medical practice where we now have a dedicated IV treatment center to treat our PANDAS children on the west coast to avoid if possible the extra costs and strain of traveling eastward for IVIG treatments to those of us who simply do not have those resources available.
Our first wonderful child, who came in last week for treatment, had the blessing of (doing very well, and) having a family with resources able to pay out of pocket for IVIG which as you all know is ridiculously expensive. So even though our office is working very closely with the suppliers of IVIG to pass on reduced rates to our patients and families, many of us still cannot pay out of pocket, including me. I have already spent my entire life savings on the medical care of my child these past 5+ years. Many of you are in the same position. Thus, we are waiting for insurance and pushing and praying for coverage so that he can be treated.
What would really help, both for my son as well as anyone who brings their child to our office - or to any office - for IVIG, would be any information you would be willing to share regarding billing codes and insurance, whether successful or unsuccessful. Even if you would be willing to fax me the info (removing personal identifiers) so we can do the best we can to dialogue and code with insurance.
Like my son, many are waiting in the wings for IVIG, having run through all resources before finally landing PANDAS as a diagnosis. Pooling our information would really help, and i would be willing to sort through and make it all available to everyone.
Thank you and i wish you all every success in treating your child.