I’ve been reading the board for a while and was able to gather a lot of great information in helping my son. However, I have a few questions and am hoping someone might be able to help me.
A little background…
At the beginning of this year my 5 year old son started with an eye blinking tic. A few months later more tics started to appear, we have seen facial grimacing, grunting, chin to chest tics and he was making some strange hand movements for a while. His doctor kept telling us that childhood tics are common and not to worry too much about them. That was easier said then done. Then he sent us to a neurologist that confirmed he has tics, but didn’t give us an official diagnosis. She said if they weren’t bothering him that we should ignore them and come back if we ever need to medicate him. Not very helpful!
To be honest this has been the hardest year of my life. I have read some very scary things about TS and many of the stories I read online haunt me when I try to sleep at night. I am so worried this disorder is going to steal my little boy from me.
This past May I decided I could not sit around and do nothing, so I started him on the Bontech supplements and we started a new diet routine – organic, no artificial anything and we have reduced dairy, sugar and gluten.
Anyway, at onset his tics were almost constant and over the past few months we have seen a major reduction in them. In fact, his vocal has almost gone away completely. My question is, at what point can you say it’s the supplements and diet and not just the waning of tics? Do most people see patterns in the waxing/waning or is it completely random? Also, I’m wondering will his body adjust to the supplements & at some point they won’t be affective anymore? I’ve heard this happens with traditional medicines.
’m still trying to figure all of this out and am hoping for a little direction.
Thank you so much.