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Everything posted by MARIALU

  1. Hi My son´s lips are better, but we have more rigidity and inflexibility with some obsessions- and at school he tantrumed because of he wanted to finish an exercise that it was very difficult Is it possible that in the process there may be ups and downs- especially on a multi?
  2. Thank you very much for your answers. We have tried B2 and also mito without sucess. He improves a bit and remain in a cycle. I think that perhaps is chronic strep?? Since azitro his knee is much better- he had cycles of knee pain with viral or bacterial infecitons-, but a recent strep infection provoked a bit regression in handwriting and math skills-and very bad cracked lips!
  3. Hi My son has been taking azithro by near 5 months with ups and down; we have found his ASTO titers going down. He has always had lips cracked;even when we treated with vitaminB complex by years, this problem was always recurrent. Now we are treating vitamin D3 defficiency plus PANDAS/PITAND with mito support. I have noticed that with a Vitamin Complex- not more than RDI - his lips are healed. I wonder Have any of you experienced chronic cracked lips? they of course are worse in winter, but also in summer, sometimes as cheilitis- corners of the lips- but also with "descamation" of the skin of the lips-. Sometimes I ahve also seen descamation in hands and feet- that I recognize now as part of the post strep problems because with azitrho that particular problem is gone. Now I have two quesitons 1) Is it possible that azithro may trigger some particular vitamin Defficiency and therefore it is important to supplement a multi? 2) Is it possible that the cracked chronic lips is the symptom of a combination of problems? Thank you in advance
  4. Hi After 5 monhts of 500 mg of Azithro and very important progress in independence, language and mood- with some downs in the road also- we had a high fever (near 39.8 C) that only with Amoxicillin high doses has been controlled- and after three oral doses. He is taking also vitaminD3 , Lipoic acid and mito cell. Have any of you experienced symptomatic strep during azithro when never before my son had this kind of presentation of flu/Colds? Generally before he had low fever one day- not more. I know that this may be a symptom of autoimmunity but also of many many other problems. I wonder about the role of the immune system- "detecting" right now strep and reacting in consequence, probably due to exposure this time when before the consequences we had were knee joint pain-only. Peditrician told me about sore throat and under examination she found his throat was red.Thank you in advance MLuján
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