My son has been taking azithro by near 5 months with ups and down; we have found his ASTO titers going down.
He has always had lips cracked;even when we treated with vitaminB complex by years, this problem was always recurrent. Now we are treating vitamin D3 defficiency plus PANDAS/PITAND with mito support.
I have noticed that with a Vitamin Complex- not more than RDI - his lips are healed.
I wonder Have any of you experienced chronic cracked lips? they of course are worse in winter, but also in summer, sometimes as cheilitis- corners of the lips- but also with "descamation" of the skin of the lips-. Sometimes I ahve also seen descamation in hands and feet- that I recognize now as part of the post strep problems because with azitrho that particular problem is gone.
Now I have two quesitons
1) Is it possible that azithro may trigger some particular vitamin Defficiency and therefore it is important to supplement a multi?
2) Is it possible that the cracked chronic lips is the symptom of a combination of problems?
Thank you in advance