Hi All,
I am new to this forum so please excuse any mistakes I may make in posting.
I am looking for advice on my 22 y/o son who has vocal grunts. They started when he was about 8 y/o, then for some reason stopped. At the time, we didn't think much of them because he had no other symptoms. Then when he hit puberty (with a severe case of acne), he began to have tics where he was head jerking and eye shifting. The tics were not severe, but as a mom, I noticed them and he was aware of them. As he grew older, much of these symptoms disappeared, but the vocal grunts have increased. I believe they are stress/fatigued related but have never had a physician diagnose them as Tourette's. Partly because they did not interfer with his other activities and I didn't want to have a "label" put on him. Anyway, I recently came across Bonnie Grimaldi's supplements and ordered them (except for the magnesium). Will it be ok to give him these supplements without any blood testing. He doesn't go to the doctor often. He is actually in very good health.