I originally posted on the Tourette's/TICS forum so I am just transferring the info I posted over there because Chemare suggested I should.
Around the end of May my son, now 6, started having a tic. Rapid blinking. It is at times obvious that it is brought on by stress or him being nervous, sometimes it would just happen. I also notice watching TV it tends to increase the occurrence. He had this rapid blinking for about a month when he was 3 1/2 but it went away.
Since that time, one of my daughters friends asked him 'Why do you blink constantly??' and I immediately noticed a change in the tic. Instead of rapid blinking he now kind of stretches his face into an oval, making an O with his mouth and looks upward with his eyes. I think this helps him to not blink constantly. He still doesn't blink "normally". He now does "the face" often throughout the day, every day.
We took him to see a D.O. yesterday and she wants to put him on Clonidine 0.1mg. We just aren't comfortable putting him on meds unless there is no other option. He starts Kindergarten this year and we really don't want him made fun of, you know how cruel kids can be.
One thing I should note if he received his first MMR on 3/17/10. I am not sure if that would have brought this on with that much of a delay between the two.
So I am at a total loss at where to start testing, the natural way. My heart breaks for him when we are out around other kids and he starts doing it. I believe he is fairly aware of when it starts happening. He told his Daddy when it first started happening, 'I blink too much' and that it bothered him.
I realize his tic is mild but have been wondering about other things he does and whether it is all connected.
He also has begun wetting his pants during the day, 3 times just yesterday. He is biting his sister. He refuses to get himself anything to eat and insists that he can't do it and that we have to do it. He throws a huge tantrum if we don't. If we go somewhere in public, he is glued to me, almost to the point that I can't walk, because he is afraid I am going to leave him.
I am wondering if this could all be connected somehow? Why does he seem to be regressing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.