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  1. What is PEX? This is something I have not heard of before.
  2. I am a psychotherapist with a specialty in child/adolescent treatment and in eating disorders. My grandson had PANDAS and I have begun treating PANDAS children. Many young children are very picky about food--vegetables and meat cannot touch on the plate, refusing certain foods, nothing green shall touch these lips etc-- and it's not necessarily a sign of OCD. There is, however, a form of OCD in which there is obsessive thinking about not allowing themselves to bite into food or swallow it, leading to the the obsessive compulsive behavior. Ultimately it can result in an eating disorder. References are Sokol,M. (2001). Infection-triggered anorexia nervosa. Eating Disorders Review. 12, 5: 1-3. Won Tesoriero,H (2004). Strep Throat Tie to Behavior Problem Is Studied --- Two Efforts Look at Link Between Bacterial Infection And Disorder in Children. The Wall Street Journal. November 2.
  3. I am a psychotherapist who has begun treating PANDAS patients. I learned about PANDAS the hard way, when my 5 year old grandson suddenly developed OCD and a tic. We found Dr. Trifiletti, in Ramsey, NJ, who can be reached at(201) 236-3876. Another physician in the NY metro area for PANDAS is Denis Bouboulis, allergist and immunologist, who can be reached at (203) 655-9904.Address is 17 Old Kings Hwy South or 106 Noroton Avenue,Darien, CT 06820. Sharon K. Farber, Ph.D. 142 Edgars Lane Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706 914 478-1924 www.DrSharonFarber.com
  4. My grandson has been taking a suppolement called MinTran, recommended by a nutritionist who had suggested it for another PANDAS child, who did well with it. It made a noticeable difference in my grandson, so much so that my anxious daughter-in-law started taking ir and it made a noticeable difference. My grandson has a mild case of PANDAS, but even inmore severe cases, it's at least worth a try for a time.
  5. I am new to this website, having stumbled upon it yesterday. My interest in PANDAS is both personal and professional. My 5 year old grandson has it, is being treated, and is doing well. I am a psychotherapist and specialize in child/adolescent treatment.Shortly after my grandson began treatment, an 11 year old girl was referred to me with sudden onset OCD and a coughing tic.I see her for psychotherapy and she is doing well too. My daughter-in-law plan to start a parent support group in our area. in southern Westchester, NY. I would like to know of other physicians with expertise in PANDAS in the NYC tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT)), and if you have had any dealings with them yourself, and what you thought. Thanks so much. This website is invaluable. Sharon K. Farber, Ph.D. www.DrSharonFarber.com
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