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Everything posted by ropeterson

  1. In repose to Claire and the high B6 levels. I have started taking supplements as we have worked with my son (I'm the apparent, undiagnosed carrier with tics that I have hidden throughout life). We were on Super Nu Thera with our son and then switched him to Bonnie's (I'm assuming my wife will correct me if I'm wrong on this). Things went downhill pretty soon, but we were also going through a yeast reduction protocol and thought it might be due to die-off. Anyway, we switched his supplements back to a lower B6 level and things went back to peacful. Not saying anything about tics, but his anxiety disappeared compared with Bonnie's. I had started taking SuperNuThera when he was on Bonnie's, then swapped with him to conserve pills. Bad idea. I freaked on Bonnie's. My head itched, I was yelling at everyone, completely stressed out the first day. I never took them again. I doubt TS is caused by one single metabolic problem, so everyone will probably have different reactions to different treatments. You might want to discuss with the experts here the possibility of lowering your B6 (P5P) levels.
  2. Arthur, My wife has written a lot on this forum (ntbowen) about our son who is 3.5 and has ticks. He also has cockroach, dust mite, and corn allergies along with wheat/dairy sensitivity. He also HAD asthma. I say had because when we (mostly my wife) removed the corn, wheat, dairy and took all precautions possible against dust mites his coughing attacks went away along with his asthma attacks (so far). In the past, every minor illness became an asthma attack that was treated with a nebulizer. For the past two winters he was on steroids to prevent the attacks. This winter, several illnesses, no asthma coughs, no steroids. I guess what I am saying is that you might want to address dust/dust mites/food allergies as well. Good luck Chuck
  3. Thanks to everyone for the replies. Claire, it sounds like you are running the in the same crazy corn/supplements/anything-else-you-can-think-of circles that we are. We need to get a double-blind study on supplements in TS. Get this information into accepted medical journals and let EVERYONE with tics know about it.
  4. Hi. When my wife says that her family thinks she is crazy, she is not including me. As you can see, Natalie is a caring and loving woman that is searching to the ends of the earth to help our son. I love her for that. As for me, it seems I am the genetic carrier of our Tourette's. I had no idea that I had ticks until we started looking into our son. My "ticks" are something I only do in private, probably because I was made fun of as a child and they were not understood. I don't tick when in public, or when I am busy, only when I have time to "think". Anyone else out there like that? I can go all day without doing any ticks if I am very busy, occupied, active, or around people. Thank you all for the information and support to both of us. Chuck
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