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Everything posted by MrPGAPro

  1. Boy I am really new to this.... What did those tests tell us? Titers? I'm sorry, but we are verrrrrry new to this, probably more so because DD7 is doing Awesome on abx.. I hope were just not being ignorant...she has appt. with Dr on Sat. Thanks to everyone!!
  2. Just got it. Anti streptolysin O and anti DNASEb were negative. What's that mean.. DD7 was diagnosed 2 weeks ago.
  3. My daughter got diagnosed 8 days ago w/ PANDAS. She is only showing signs of minor OCD symptoms about 2 or 3 times a day for 30-45 seconds...what does this mean...if anything? She started Penicillin 7 days ago...3 x a day 6ml each dose... I don't know...its hard to get out of my head (worry)... as you all know.
  4. Her symptoms were minor OCD, with more frequent "blow ups" , no tics, a little spacey, school work was still good, coordination good, gymnastics class good, just not being herself. I do think the power of the mind is amazing!! I contribute alot of her sucess to her "believing" she is getting better with the medicine and her understanding that the there are reasons she does not feel well...maybe Im a little over the top with this...but? Also, last friday walking the dog, I got on my knees in tears and prayed to God to help my little girl..
  5. The 1st day on the Penicillin she said to us "Wow. Mommy no fighting and crying today....the medicine must be working!"
  6. Is to think that the penicillin can "cure" this being unrealistic? I have heard from many people that diagnosing and treating this early is very important for my childs long term outlook. The Doctor was very "impressed" that we acted on this so quickly. He will have her on the antibiotics for 30 days... Also, my daughter knows she is not feeling well, and was very excited to go to the Dr. and take medicine to help her feel better....
  7. My daughter is 47lbs, she was up to 50lbs., but had lost weight. She wasn't eating very well. She is eating like a "horse" now, telling us the Dr. said she needs to gain some weight. He prescribed 6ml in AM, 6ml lunch time and 7ml before bed for a month.
  8. My daughter has been diagnosed with PANDAS (last Thursday...3 hour consultation with Dr. John P. Williams www.mainlinefamily.com) She had a strep throat infection around Easter this year, and she had steadily began minor OCD issues (fertilizer contamination, germs in her mouth, etc..) about 4 weeks ago, with thhem increasing daily. My wife did some research on these issues and discovered PANDAS. My daughter has ALWAYS been the "careful" type (like her mother)...but the issues had started to be over the top, with a huge "meltdown" (tears, everything is dirty, etc...) My wife contacted CHOP..(Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia) and they pointed us to Dr. Williams. It was a "miracle" that we were able to get an appointment the next day! He immediately started her on Penicillin (3 doses a day)...and it has been nothing short of a miracle, they way she has been acting (OCD issues are 90% gone, and the 10% remaining are minor, they may last 1 minute with minimal intensity). My wife and I are still very "skeptical and hopeful" about her miraculous progress. Just thought I would share a positive story with everyone. I do notice that we are "over" sensitive to her behavior (good or bad)...guess thats normal.
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