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  1. Hi everyone, dd11 and dd6 saw my lyme doc. i was never thrilled with him, but he believes in chronic lyme, gives long term abx (has spoken at ilads conf.)so i thought it would be ok. but he does not understand pandas/pans and difficult children in general. (when i told him that dd6 was refusing meds, and having bad meltdowns over it, his response was for her to "keep taking the medicine") anyway, i am frightened to just go to another doctor, with this bad hospital stuff going on. i really do need a new llmd for them, but one that takes insurance. (as you all know thats another issue, currently have hp, but thinking to switch, we had a good run of ivig approvals with them, but i think we are at a dead end, cant even get office visits now) any suggestions would be much appreciated. thanks! i posted in the pandas forum too.
  2. Hi everyone, dd11 and dd6 saw my lyme doc. i was never thrilled with him, but he believes in chronic lyme, gives long term abx (has spoken at ilads conf.)so i thought it would be ok. but he does not understand pandas/pans and difficult children in general. (when i told him that dd6 was refusing meds, and having bad meltdowns over it, his response was for her to "keep taking the medicine") anyway, i am frightened to just go to another doctor, with this bad hospital stuff going on. i really do need a new llmd for them, but one that takes insurance. (as you all know thats another issue, currently have hp, but thinking to switch, we had a good run of ivig approvals with them, but i think we are at a dead end, cant even get office visits now) any suggestions would be much appreciated. thanks! i will post on the lyme forum too.
  3. so, we were doing a bit of research with our ins. broker about switching plans or carriers, and got some really bad news: harvard pilgrims most recent medical review criteria for ivig treatment, dated jan. 10 2013, specifically EXCLUDES ivig as a treatment for pandas. this is so bad, dd11 has been struggling since having a flu like thing, and abx arent cutting it right now. i dont understand how this can be, when it has helped so many children. i mean seriously, we dont push for our kids to have a 2 day iv with yucky side effects for no reason. things are bad if you need an ivig!!!! sorry for bad news, i am going to try and forget about this for tonight.
  4. thanks to both of you i think i used jarrow myself before, i will check it out. do you see a holistic dr. or just give the olive leaf extract yourself? is the quest cdiff test different than the regular culture (you know get a smear three different days and send them in)?
  5. dd11 was on biaxin (pandas and lyme), she had diarrhea for a month before telling me. Then we fought for another month over probiotics, she refused them. when we saw pandas doc we switched to azith and he told her to take probiotics. so, she is taking zith, and probiotics and she still has diarrhea every day. it has been @ 3 mo. i am not sure what to do. over the years we have tried many probiotics, she literally will only take the culturelle capsule opened and mixed with juice. has anyone had any luck with natural antibiotics, would it be enough to prevent strep and help with lyme? To add to the trouble she has been going downhill, and past couple days have been so bad. we havent had days like this in a loooong time. maybe she needs ivig agian? she did so well after 6 of them, untill recently was even going to school everyday (with accomodations). it was great. any ideas? thanks dan
  6. i was wondering the same thing? when was the next court date supposed to be?
  7. how much do you add to a bath? i need to start doing this for my dd11 and dd6. is it possible to make it too strong?
  8. a few years ago, before lyme diagnosis, and before abx. and ivig for pandas, dd was on various psych meds. lamictal and seroquel for about 6 months. Every month it was increased very slowly, but we saw no improvement. after her first ivig she improved enough to start taking her off them. good luck
  9. just wondering if beth or anyone has told all our good doc's know about this, dr's T,B,K, etc.? they are all so busy to begin with, and i dont know if they can do anything, but it seems that this might need more that parents, and psychiatrists to advocate.
  10. Yes! I totally agree with Ko's mom and LLM- a rally of some sort! Since beth is an attorney, she would know the legalities of it. has anyine run it by her? i dont think you can go near the hospital, we could get in trouble for getting in the way of emergencies and such (even if we are not). but if we all came together!! so many of us!! it would bring lots of attention, dont you think? we'd be respectful though, not rude or crazy. dan
  11. Hi everyone, not sure what the rules are around here anymore (as far as names etc.) so i will give as little info as possible. any one of you pro's can then fill in blanks for me if you know what i am talking about, and know what can be said (typed). for those of us in the boston area, i got a warning about a hospital and pandas. i am sure you can assume which one, we all know it. but this is really disturbing, anyone can p.m. me for more info. sorry if i make no sense good night for now, dan
  12. I un-knowingly had lyme for @20 yrs. one of my earliest memories of feeling "wrong" were food related. my family called them my moods, i would shut down and feel physically ill, ramdomly when it was mealtime. when the feeling was over, sometimes after lying down, i was back to normal. i lived off of fluffernutter and hoodsies for a while. my dd suddenly stopped eating everythig but strawberries cheese crackers and white fish when she was 3. she was a great eater before that, she is now 6, last year we found she has lyme too. i think it is a sensory thing for sure. she gets soo upset if she doesnt know what to eat, or if we want her to try something. she cant handle it. i have sympathy for her and everyones kids with this sort of thing, since my experience was different but still similar. i do worry though, at dance classes she looks so skinny, i am afraid of what others may say something out of concern. but then i tell myself who cares. hopefully lyme treatment and lots of encouragement will help (them all) gain weight!
  13. we went last year, dd was 60 lbs. and it was $8100 for the 2 days plus the $2400 doctors fee. we had to appeal, but insurance did re-imburse us. good luck.
  14. I searched on the LymeDiseaseAssoc., and there is an llmd not too far from us in Harvard ma.-Carol Savage. Has anyone seen her, or heard anything about her style treating lyme? PM me if you like, Dan
  15. thanks guys, i appreciate the support! dd is going to get a whole new mix of abx. with diflucan, hoping it will help. thanks for being there dan
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