It's been a while since I was last on this site. And it will be 2 months on March 15th since my son started the eye blinking and nose scrunching. To date, we have been to a pediatric opthalmologist, his pediatrician and an allergist. His pediatrician said it's allergies and prescribed nasal spray. The allergist said the symptoms are classical allergy symptoms and said my son has asthma too. She said to continue using the nasal spray and and allergy medicine for 2 weeks and if that doesn't work, we'll try something else (we're on our 5th day). We were also given an inhaler for asthma. My son will be 5 years old in a couple of weeks.
Thus far, his "tics" come and go. Most days if you weren't looking, you won't know he has them. Last Sunday would be the 3rd time I noticed since it started that it's picked up again. He's still doing the eye blinking, nose scrunching and he stretches his mouth sideways like kids in preschool would when asked to smile for a picture. It seems to me too that everytime his symptoms picks up, it is followed by coughing and sneezing a few days later. He also complains of a head ache. He complained of a headache too the 2nd time time his symptoms picked up. And him and my husband always starts the symptoms of coughing and sneezing a few days apart. The last week has been above freezing where we are so my husband blames that on his allergy symptoms. My son's however started back in January which was definitely a freeze.
As a background, both sides of our family has no history of TS or even tics of any kind. My father and sister both have severe asthma and majority of my husbands family have severe allergies including asthma, with one cousin getting allergy shots. His preschool is very "allergy conscious" as they have two children in class with severe allergies. Previous to Jan. 15 when I noticed his blinking, he was in the ER for a high fever. He was put on 10 days of antibiotics and Tamiflu (we were on a cruise to South America a week before that hence the Tamiflu). Those meds ended on Jan. 9 and he started blinking on Jan. 15. It seems that he blinks/scrunches more when he is idle (like being read to or watching TV) or during meals.
His blinking is "bad" again for 3 days now. No OCD or ADD or ADHD. His teacher says he is one oh her "best sitters" (by that I take it to mean, he sits still). So is there a way I can tell if this is the travelling tic or a precursor of Tourettes? Thank you as always. I don't know what to say or do except to pray for my beautiful son.