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Everything posted by marilina

  1. can you please post the link to order this test for dr.Cuningham Vickie? thank you so much
  2. a question : If PANDAS means that strep antibodies are attacking the basal ganglia, will the use of ImmuneFactors 5 (strep antibodies)exacerbate the problem? I know IMF 5 would help with an acute infection but I'm becoming concerned about it with PANDAS. Is there something in the literature about PANDAS and the use of strep antibodies as treatment?
  3. a question If PANDAS means that strep antibodies are attacking the basal ganglia, will the use of ImmuneFactors 5 (strep antibodies)exacerbate the problem? I know IMF 5 would help with an acute infection but I'm becoming concerned about it with PANDAS. Is there something in the literature about PANDAS and the use of strep antibodies as treatment?
  4. My daughter has ice cold feet. They did warm while she was on augmentin. Not sure what it means. My son has very cold hands when anxious which I always thought was odd because blood flow is diverted toward the limbs in a fight or flight response. He has an awful time regulating his temperature perceptions when in an exacerbation. His hands may feel cold to me, but he's forever complaining of being hot. search with google cold hands/feet thyroid cold hans/feet hypoglycemia my daughter had cold hands and feet:it was a fall down of sugars AFTER eating: eating>>>cascade of too much insuline>>>fall down of sugar >>>>>cold hands/feet>>>>cascade of adrenaline>>>tantrums instead, if you notice coldhands/feet early in the morning it is probably related with thyroid
  5. I have to control, thanks what I remember is that she has a long list of allergies to inhalants, so molds, powders, chemicals etc.......
  6. thank you all yes, she has mold allergy.... I read too that Augmentin with presence of EBV or mononucleosis may cause rash, I have to check I think I can do an attempt using Zitromax....
  7. thank you all in fact I think it is the first time she's assuming antibyiotic.....because in the past she always spitted it....and for the last 7 years she never get sick probably she has an allergy for something inside Augmentin I'll try with azithromycin. is it possible that it does work even with low dose? I ask you because with Augmentin pediatric form I see she's improving with her OCDs, maybe I do not have to give her so much.... for MomWithOCDson: yes, I'm totally sure this reaction is related to Augmentin any of you have had experience with black earwak related to Strep?
  8. first of all , I'm sorry for my English, I'm from Italy. My daughter is 17, she has autism, but she improved a lot expecially in the last 3 years, doing a great job at school and reaching very positive levels of autonomy ( she is following the same schedule of her class mates). I'm sure she had the first manifestation of PANDAS at age 9, when she suddenly developed a list of OCDs that destroyed her life. but nobody knew PANDAS, and as she has autism, everyone said to me that was autism the cause then she started improving with biomed approaches, and we never saw OCDs again last year all her schoolfriends catched flu, and she too , BUT without symptoms, without fever, just a little bit cold....and she had a dark earwak, nearly black and she started again , suddenly, violently with OCDs we've never use drugs, we tryed again with biomed approaches, but nothing happened. she's taking Augmentin since 4 days: her OCDs are improving, but she has rashes / hives / itch, and herpes too..... do I have to stop Augmentin? , do I have to change antibyiotic ? help me please thank you all
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