first of all , I'm sorry for my English, I'm from Italy.
My daughter is 17, she has autism, but she improved a lot expecially in the last 3 years, doing a great job at school and reaching very positive levels of autonomy ( she is following the same schedule of her class mates).
I'm sure she had the first manifestation of PANDAS at age 9, when she suddenly developed a list of OCDs that destroyed her life.
but nobody knew PANDAS, and as she has autism, everyone said to me that was autism the cause
then she started improving with biomed approaches, and we never saw OCDs again
last year all her schoolfriends catched flu, and she too , BUT without symptoms, without fever, just a little bit cold....and she had a dark earwak, nearly black
and she started again , suddenly, violently with OCDs
we've never use drugs, we tryed again with biomed approaches, but nothing happened.
she's taking Augmentin since 4 days: her OCDs are improving, but she has rashes / hives / itch, and herpes too.....
do I have to stop Augmentin? , do I have to change antibyiotic ?
help me please
thank you all