Thanks for the welcome chmer,
it is really weird to actully talk with someone who knows what TS is All of my life I felt like i was an outcast and was treated like one by everyone kids, parents, even teachers treated me diffrent. I had my schools switched alot because no one knew what to do about my problem. serously No one around here has a clue what TS so everyone looks at me weird. I have grown use to it thoe it still hurts when someone says "Why do you shke your head, you smoke crack" That kinda stuff upsets me. There are a few people that have heard of TS here but donot know what it is and it sucks haveing no one to talk with about it.
Seriously thoe untill 2 years ago i was the only one in this county diagnosed with TS But I my self see it in some people here but I know all about TS.
Anyway Thanks for the welcom And I hop to be as helpful as i can in these forums.