Well it seemed like when i was about 9 i became obesessed with everything and was a very bad kid. First it was skateboarding all i would do is think and about it, talk about, and ride it was not normal. than i moved to a new house and i was introduced to paintball. I could not stop talking abou the sport. I wanted a paintball gun so bad and my mom thought i was to young. I had countless fights about how I should have one. I always looked up all types of equipment, had dreams about it. Pretty much the whole 9 yards. I also had a problem about not being able to talk abou it. I seemed that everything i had to say was related to paintball in some way. During the same time i was having lots of stomachaches, gas everything. I could not stay healthy. My dad had talked to a lot of people at his work and they reccomended taking meat and wheat out of my diet. so i did that and it got a little better but i was still getting stomachaches. I than had milk taken out of my diet. I started to notice a diference. And i seemed to be feeling normal. I then went to some type of acupuncture place and they ran tests on me and i was treated so that i could eat anytype of food and not have stomachaches anymore. i was feeling so good but i still got obsessed with stuff, constanly fought with my mom and dad, and had tics. Speaking of fighting I fought over anything. little things like who sits where in the car, who gets the last cookies, etc. these little fights turned into screaming, and hitting walls, slamming doors. It got real bad. Than one day my mom got a top from someone that sugar may cause these symptoms. So when i turned 16 i pretty much stopped eating sugar along with my mom. (btw my mom had some of the same outburst symptoms that i had her whole life). We immediatly noticed a difference. There was prettymuch no more fighting between us and I didnt every cause a disturbance in the household not to mention my tics were gone. My mom and I just cant believe that had not found this out earlier. My life has been so much more productive.
This is just scratching the surface on foods and how they affected my life.