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Anne Marie

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  1. Thanks Claire, We haven't noticed any decrease in migraines since we've taken away the TV/gameboy. He gets migraines about every 2-3 months but they are brutal when they come. As far as I can tell they are brought on by stress (parties, holidays, first day of soccer etc) and dehydration. We try to keep him juiced up but we can't do much about the stress. It is something that I am trying to teach him to manage himself since he is the only one who knows when they are coming on. He's a real responsible kid and he is trying - my goal with the migraines and tics is to keep him informed and get his cooperation - some day he will have to manage all this by himself and I want to give him all the tools that he may need in the future. Thanks for all your help Anne Marie
  2. Thanks for writing back Claire. It is so wonderful to have others to talk to who are going through the same issues. I considered Irlen Syndrome but he doesn't have any trouble reading or any of the other problems I read about with Irlen. I have never gotten him tested, though. The glare from water is more of the trigger rather than the bright outside light. If I need to, I will consider testing in the future. I haven't gotten him tested for Mercury yet. So far we have only been to regular doctors. The one he went to laughed about the flicker effect. She said that it is a myth, not even an issue with his migraines. I didn't even bring up the vitamins. Life would be so much simpler if these doctors would recognize the role of vitamins and minerals in general health. So far the Mag taurate and no TV has reduced his tics greatly. But school is starting soon and he will have a weekly or bi-weekly computer lab as well as occasional movies -not to mention the added stress. I haven't decided what to do. Last year I picked him up just before computer lab because it was the last class of the day. I wasn't sure enough of my findings to discuss it with the teacher. He does fine with my husbands laptop watching movies from across the room. Our personal budget is tight and the school budget is really tight so I'll have to figure something out. I've also considered testing him for pyroluria but so far our regime is working. Hopefully that is all it will take. God Bless you all.
  3. Hi, I have been reading this forum for months now. I have gotten so much encouragement and information from all of you. Thank You all so much. My son is 9. He started showing tics when he was 4 but no one except me noticed them. I have had them off and on my whole life and manage so I knew what was happening. His tics worsened dramatically when he was 7 when he got a Game Boy for Christmas. (Someone has to do something about that Santa character). Anyway, it took 3 months before the tics worsened so I didn't make the connection between them and the Game Boy. He also gets migraines with the throwing up and everything so I took him to a Neurologist who wanted to put him on Clonidine. My son didn't want it even though the tics were really bad. That led me here. I have since taken away the Game Boy and 2 other hand held games. I discussed it with him regarding the TV. He was OK with it as long as we get a LCD TV for the fall. (He is a HUGE NE Patriots fan and can't miss the games). I started giving him Magnesium Taurate and between no TV and the Mag he is doing wonderfully well. I haven't heard anyone mention glare here. My son reacts to glare as though it were TV. When he swims in the pool, he needs to wear UV goggles near the pool area. Even the glare from a lake or pond will set him off. He now wears sunglasses when he goes fishing. Everyone here has given me so much hope from your posts and experiences - I wanted to let you know that you are helping so many people who never log on and post.
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