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  1. Hi. No hae has had zero vaccines. (one of the reasons is because I was fully vaccinated and no one in my family but me has TS...so I thought there might have been a correlation there) no vaccines. he has also never had any medicines, including antibiotics. We have removed TV almost completely. He does it sometimes when the TV is not even on. But it is most aggrevated by moving objects on a screen. I believe that he had a bad cold or a flu (no fever) during the summer. I have no idea if it was strep though.....
  2. Hi. New here. I am 33 years old and have had TS since I was 12. My son is 16 months old, and over the summer we noticed he started to blink his eyes rather hard when watching TV. Of course, the first thing that came to mind was TS. If I remember correctly, he got sick shortly after that and then the blinking stopped. We went on vacation, and drove 14 hours playing the DVD player on and off with no eye blinking, but on vacation, he got sick again, and blinked on and off watching the DVD on the way home. Now, anytime he watched TV, he starts to blink. And it also seems that even after he is done watching TV, he will spend the rest of the night eye blinking. He seems to also do it more when he is tired and about to get sick, or just getting over being sick. I thought we had years before he would show symptoms of TS, if he has it. Can this be TS? I am sick to death about this, as I so badly don't want TS for my baby....
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