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  1. Hi i know exactly how you feel ive been like this now for 2 years and it is killing me, i just want to die everyday because i feel sick and disgusting for having these thoughts. I am a woman and i have a lovely boyfriend who is everything that i could want, but im plagued with unwanted sexual thoughts, i have thought about children, and my own family. It just makes me feel sick when i think stuff like this. I know that they are just thoughts but when the thought comes into my head the urge to think about it is so strong that i have to think about it if you know what i mean, and what i do be trying to do is make myself realise that i dont really feel like this and sometimes i cant. When i do realize it then i start to feel really guilty for having such terrible thoughts about my family, and that makes it start up all over again. I really need to stop this now because i want to have a normal happy life, my boyfriend knows that i have ocd, but he doesnt know about the unwanted sexual thoughts, i have also had thoughts of thinking that i wouldnt care if someone died and have told him about this, that problem isnt as bad as my current one, but it still happens to me sometimes. Im also afraid to have sex sometimes because those thoughts come into my head then also and i do be afraid that i like them, i know that i dont but you know yourself that when the thoughts come into your head it doesnt feel like that. Please help me, it does make me feel a bit better knowing other people feel the same as me, but i even feel guilty and worried after writing this because i have put all my worries into words for the first time and it is after making it even more real now for me. Hi I know sortta how u feel not exactly....here in britain we are I dont know whether to say lucky enough to have a program for this sortta behaviour...unfortunately the only way to access this course is to be arrested and tried by a court...however as a human male (as sometimes my colleagues and myself are often assumed not to be human for our job) i totally feel for you as yes we all have these thoughts and feelings at times its about knowing how to control them and shrug them off if u like the internet is the bain of every humans existence although alot of us wouldnt be able to seek the help or advice we r looking for in this setting...everyone at the time these thoughts/feelings become over powering are going through alot of different things in their lives i understand this and have most likely been im terrible situations themselves as children etc as you have identified that this is wrong and terrible is a great start whilst on the internet think about them as your victims this however does not make you a peadophile as many of the men i work with are led to believe this is government and media for all countries labelling people...which i see as very wrong within my job i come accross both peadophiles and sex offenders there is a big difference if u have not however commited an offence u are neither The defintion of a peadophile is someone who CANNOT and i can not stress that enough have a sexual or non sexual relationship with an adult they will only find children attractive....a sex offender is often someone who has made a mistake for example downloading child porn or had sexual relations sith someone under age but regrets what they have done fully and know they were worng accept it and put into practice wayz of stopping this from happening again every1 at some point has gone into porn starting form "soft" become desensatised so moved on and then again until they become so desenseatised they have to go onto child porn beastiality etc often many men do not even realise they have downloaded inappropriate images until to late. I putmy hands up to every1 here for making this sort of forum possible and PLEASE donot think you are alone in this everyday someone is goin through the same thing the difference is you are tryin to get advice on how to stop it before it escalates. Im sorry I had to put my two pencein but as I read through I hear somany voices shouting for help and advice scared that they are these monsters who should be strung up when u r noraml humans there are just things happening in your lives that have brought you to the edge and this is a release. Find someone to talk to sit them down and talk and you will find it helps otherwise im willing to listen not jude and help in anyway I can SARGE
  2. yeah just got one well annoying
  3. HI mate you should never seek to live life anxiously we all get this at times when we are stressed feeling unwanted unloved or sexually frustrated. This may seem a silly question have you sat down with your partner and spoke about her problems fully explaining what is happening for yourself as males we are preconditioned that we do not talk about our problems we will sort them we have to be strong however this is a very dangerous place to be...as for your fantasies, there is no question of your own sexuallity these thoughts are there for everyone whether the accept it or not, it is good that you try to change your thoughts onto other things have you tried when these thoughts appear changin your thinkin full stop from sexual thinkin to something else, seekin images on the internet however to change a sequence in your fantasies from male to female is very harmful and can cause big problems for yourself aswell as your partner...although she may not show it or tell you (i apologise for having to say that) however searching for this material can also cause other problems as you become desensatised to the images you are veiwing to change your pattern of thinkin from men to women you will inevitably go on to stronger images along with this you may be downloading images you yourself are unaware are there because of pop ups unfortuanltely with this sort of thinking there is a legal side to it aswell however I will stress again we will go through these thoughts and feelings you are not alone and many people can help. It sounds with your on anxiousness and your partners problems you are being pulled into a routine which you can get out of. if the doctor is only prescribing st. johns wart and it is working for you stick to that but please find someone a friend family member or professional person you can sit and talk your worries through with...the thing gonna be helpin you through this aswell is as you have stated you come away disgusted with yourself however you are having to repeat the process. there are ways of dealing with it which I my self have had to learn from hurtful experiences now i would like to help people not go down the same route that i went down and have tolive with that shame and guilt
  4. hi everyone has some sort of ocd whether it be counting things or cleaning all the time, its nothing to really worry about. Your unwanted sexual thoughts, are just that and there are many ways of dealing with them, you have made the first step by having someone to talk to, you can use many different ways to stop it thought stoppers eg. an elastic band etc. But since you have identified that it is a problem u want to solve then well done at least that way you know it will go no further and u wont get into trouble
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