My 4 year old son was ticcing(blinking non stop) alot this past Saturday and so I started giving him on the Bontech supplement. It greatly reduced his tics so I figured we must be onto something, well, today when I picked him up at the babysitter, she said he ticced non stop today. I know I need to stay positive, but when she told me this, it was like a kick in the stomach, seriously I felt nauseous. Why is TS so perplexing? He is a very picky eater so his diet doesn't vary much and I know he probably didn't eat anything new. My brother has TS so I'm not new to this, have seen it all or most of it. I just find TS really odd, how it suddenly starts, then goes through wax and wane periods, gets worse during teen years and then the ticks can actually go away when you get older. I mean what other disorder behaves like this. Anyone else feel this way?