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Everything posted by joandsp

  1. we don't reprimand except in certain circumstances--at dinner table, out to dinner, etc. she can suck her thumb when relaxing, before bed, no issues there. regarding the 'lick and wipe,' we discussed it with her but more as a sanitary issue than a behavioral issue. she's becoming more aware of germs with the school discussing hand washing all the time so we didn't feel we were piling on too much. i think you are right, just let it run its course.
  2. hello, brand new to board. my 6 year old daughter recently started licking her index finger and wiping her eyebrow with it. she is sucking her thumb less so we assume it is part of the "transition" process. background: when she sucks her thumb she typically holds her index finger against her eyebrow (same hand). we think the new manuever is about satisfying those urges with a quick lick and wipe without being caught sucking her thumb... anyone have an opinion? we are rookies with this but appears to be a tic. sincerely, jo
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