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Posts posted by JensOfSweden

  1. Just thought I'd bump this thread.


    I think there's something potentially very interesting here. I've noticed many times how tics seems to worsen with blood sugar fluctuations and how they tend to be calmer with a more even blood sugar.


    I'm thinking of embarking on a journey, the ketogenic diet that is, and document the results in regards to how the tics respond.


    Anyone with me? There's this MAD (Modified atkins diet) which is a MUCH easier version of the standard ketogenic diet. The rules are, less than 20 g carbs/day, unlimited protein and fat, ie eat how much you need to feel good.

  2. Yeah, ketogenic diets seem to have interesting mental benefits and I can attest to what you're saying about the silent mind. I've noticed the same thing myself when I've cut carbs or fasted long periods of time, there's a calm serenity and almost sort of a "religious" feeling of clarity and calmness which feels awesome.


    However, it's still about the tics though because if tics get worse on a ketogenic diet it's probably not worth it.

  3. Born dead,


    I'm experimenting with low-carb/paleo for tics now and I'm thinking of going ketogenic to check the effects out on tics.


    Tics can also get worse on low-carb but I think the most important thing is even blood sugar, either through many smaller meals with small amounts of carbohydrates or a full-blown ketogenic diet where fats are used to make ketone bodies and this kind of diet will make the blood sugar extremely stable and at the lowish end of normal (blood sugar seldom drops dangerously low unless you're diabetic).


    I've also been reading about ketogenic diets and adenosine lately and I saw this review on adenosine where the writers talk about possible implications not only for epilepsy but also tourettes. Ketogenic diets (ie low-carb with highish fat) take some weeks to really work, because the body has to fully make the switch from carbs to ketones as fuel for the brain and body.


    Anyways, adenosine works stabilizing for cells (caffeine for example antagonizes adenosine) and makes us calmer (and more sleepy) and a ketogenic diet increases the activiy of adenosine, which could possibly be huge for tourettes. I've noticed that I many times tic a lot less on zero carb on some days. The urge lessens and although I tic some it bothers me less and I feel just generally more even-tempered and my body is calmer.


    Keep the discussion going; I think this might be important in the management for tics. I'll post again in a while. Take care people!


    Edit: two links,


    The study on a ketogenic diet for Tourettes wich very unfortunately didn't fly (not enough participants): http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00952601


    A review of the modified Atkins diet (ketogenic diet), which is easier to follow than the original ketogenic diet used for epilepsy: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19049584?dopt=Abstract

  4. How is electromagnetic fields causing tics, scientific? Show me some actual studies on this, please.


    Surely it could be a mistake, but I like the principle of occams razor and electromagnetic fields are by all means new-age stuff. It's not constructive and I think you are fooling yourselves tbh.


    Just to be clear, I'm not here to ruin anything I just think we need to shift our attention to what's important and start making some real effort to actually reduce tics alot. That's why I proposed a sort-of hardcore diet a la Paleo/ketogenic. If that works well for poeople, all the other random tic triggers don't matter anymore. See my point?


    I'm tired of this lack of direction in the community. Everyone are just trying to find new tic triggers outside, when the answers are in inside us; neurotransmitters, hormones etc.

  5. Take it as you will


    I'm just saying I don't think all the tic triggers are solid. Too much anecdotal and random stuff going on, seems like everything from sunlight, electromagnetic fields to watching romantic comedies bring on tics. It's almost ridiculous imo. I have tics myself so I know what it's like but I think we need to focus on our biology and less on finding weird tic triggers everywhere.


    Imo diet is a huge deal, and everything affecting neurotransmittors etc is obviously important. More so than whether or not wearing bleached shorts triggers tics.


    I don't mean to be rude but my point is that I think alot of people are fooling themselves. Sorry to be blunt, but it's probably true.

  6. So I'm interested if anyone has tried a paleo/low-carbish sort of diet for Tourettes? I'm thinking ketogenic as in very low carbs; ie 20-30 grams/day. I saw that a study on this was about to happen in USA, but for some reason they shut it down.


    I think people dedicate too much time to find a million of weird tic triggers, and half of them are probably close to placebo and more akin to suggestion imo. So I'm thinking of easier and more thorough approaches that (hopefully...) could have dramatic consequences on behaviour, tics and mood. So I'm thinking a ketogenic diet.


    Anyone tried it? Results?


    I've done very low carb days here and there and I'm definately calmer, tend to tic alot less (the urge goes down)and have heaps of energy all through the day and night. All good so far, except that I can't fall asleep because I feel so awake. Lately I've been thinking about tics and blood sugar, seems to be a connection. Now if blood sugar was low almost all the time, maybe tics would get better.

  7. I'm a 32 year old male, and I have a pretty distracting breathing tic too, which ESPECIALLY emerges with some brands of coffee. Other brands of coffee mainly bring on facial tics; weird, I know. I've tried this a million times with different brands.


    I mainly exhale hard rhytmically or just one hard time to get all the air out of my lungs and tense my stomach. This ends up making me a bit dizzy and makes it hard to inhale, because in essense my breathing tic is almost hyperventilating-breathing like, bringing on some feeling of oxygen "loss". A multi-vitamin has helped me with this tic, I'm not sure what part of the multi but something lessens the breathing tic. Probably a multitude of vitamins/minerals combined.

  8. Anyone try the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) for tics and tourettes? They do in fact lower dopamine right of the bat, which is why I'm wondering. The reason for this is the lack of phenylalanine and tyrosin in the mixture.




    It's a common training supplement btw and also activates muscle protein synthesis to a high degree.

  9. So, I guess everyone knows that caffeine can really bust out tics in people.


    When I don't have coffee for a day my mood is brighter, I have better concentration, less tics, less angry/irritable and less depressed (probably because of aforementioned effects). But at the same time I really get cravings for caffeine and I always end up having a cup of Java. And then I feel sort of mentally fine for a little while and then the tics explode after 15 minutes and I get all anxious and irritable.


    I REALLY want to quit caffeine altogether, but HOW to do it? It seems so hard to me. I crave the jitters and the adrenaline that caffeine releases into my bloodstream. I crave feeling ALIVE and stimulated like coffee makes me do. Does it sound like I have a drug-dependant personality or something?


    Like I said, I really want to quit caffeine. Please post hints and tips!


    /Greetings from sunny Sweden

  10. There is pretty sound bio-chemistry behind Magnesium + B6 for Tourettes but I guess you have to take it for like a month and not with calcium etc etc. Lots of people probably just try a random magnesium supplement for a few days and conclude that it's "wrong", which is in fact, wrong.


    I've tried zyprexa and while it helps with tics, the tiredness and lack of happiness and excitement isn't worth it.

  11. Chemar: Good point about the amino acids. I'm going down to one protein shake after my daily gym workout (I lift heavy weights and do interval cardio). I've noticed that the protein shakes make me tic more and I guessed it's tyrosine and ph.alanine like you said, because they create dopamine. Didn't know about Androgens and dopamine, very interesting. Remind me to never take steroids lol.


    Laurensmom: How old are you btw? I'm 30 myself, just curious. How old are you Chemar?


    Canned fish is awesome! I always have canned tuna or mackerel. If you're ever in Sweden hit me up for a delicate meal made up out of mackerel ;D

  12. This study has been going on since March 2009 by spanish researchers using Magnesium and vitamin B6 for tics.


    They still seem to be in controlled trials but should be done already imo. Does anyone have any updates? There's a free text of the entire study available and there's alot of interesting bio-chemistry possibly related to TS explained.





    PS. I tried mailing 2 of the authors but have gotten no reply. Possibly they don't use those mail accounts anymore

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