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  1. Last summer our 8 yr old was diagnosed with possible PANDAS or Tourettes. The tics practically disappeared after 13 days on amox. He has started ticcing again, and has elevated ASOT results. This time the amox does not seem to be working (he is on day 10). We have a doctor appt. on Tuesday and I want to ask for a different antibiotic. What would you all recommend?
  2. Our 8 year old son, who either has Tourettes or PANDAS started ticcing again a month ago after almost complete cessation of tics after 2 rounds of amox last September. He is back on amox and we are awaiting ASOT results, but he had a c-reactive protein test and the result was 12 which I understand is a little elevated. I have not had a chance to discuss this with the ped can anyone tell me any info about this result. Is it high?
  3. Last summer my 8 yr old son had a sudden onset of tics. It took awhile to get into the ped. and by then I had read about PANDAS. His tests came back with ASO levels positive for strep antibodies, and we started him on Amox. Within 10 days his tics were almost gone, a second course got rid of them completely. He had been tic free for almost 6 months and now they have started coming back. We started him on Amox a few days ago, and had another ASOT test done (the results aren't back yet). My frustration is I don't know does he have PANDAS or does he have Tourettes. How can I tell. Another very odd thing was that yesterday he was listening to the IPod and started ticcing like crazy. I'm hoping someone can respond helping me to figure out whether it is Tourettes or PANDAS
  4. Thanks for the advice. He is actually taking amoxicillin.
  5. In late July our 8 year-old son suddenly started breaking out in persistant tics (neck jerking, shoulder shrugging, knees banging together, jaw clenching) and I don't think he has had a tic free waking hour since. Up to this point I had never seen any kind of ticcing. I saw my family doctor in August and finally got an appt with a pediatrician this week. We talked about PANDAS and she sent him for an ASO Titer test and a throat swab. The ASO Titer blood test came back with a reading of 278 which she considered significant, and the throat swab is negative. She said that in the last several months she has seen 3 other kids with sudden onset of tics and elevated ASO Titer tests. She has put him on a course of penicillin. If it is PANDAS should the penicillin work, do you think I should see a reduction in ticcing. I have been reading a little about PANDAS but don't really understand it. I would be grateful for any words of advice, or similar stories. Thanks.
  6. My 8 yr old son suddenly started ticcing in late July and has not stopped since. We are in the process of Doctors appts, but I have been doing a lot of reading (including Sheila Rogers book) and have started him on some supplements. Can anyone give advice on what I am giving and wether the amounts are appropriate. Anthing else I should add? Natural Calm Mangesium supplement 200 mg ( giving for about 10 days now) Fish oil 1000 mg (10 days as well) Taurine 500 mg ( I started adding this yesterday) Thanks for your help.
  7. My 8 year-old son suddenly began developing neck, shoulder shrugging, knees slapping together tics that have been continuing for the last 6 weeks. My family doctor has referred us to a pediatrician, but we can't get in until September 30. I have just finished reading "Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourette's" and wonder about a few things 1. Can anyone tell me the name of a good doctor in Vancouver who might knowledgeable about natural treatments for Tourette's. 2. I am interested in ordering B. Grimaldi's TS-plus supplements. Should I wait until my doctor approves before ordering them.
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