In late July our 8 year-old son suddenly started breaking out in persistant tics (neck jerking, shoulder shrugging, knees banging together, jaw clenching) and I don't think he has had a tic free waking hour since. Up to this point I had never seen any kind of ticcing. I saw my family doctor in August and finally got an appt with a pediatrician this week. We talked about PANDAS and she sent him for an ASO Titer test and a throat swab. The ASO Titer blood test came back with a reading of 278 which she considered significant, and the throat swab is negative. She said that in the last several months she has seen 3 other kids with sudden onset of tics and elevated ASO Titer tests. She has put him on a course of penicillin. If it is PANDAS should the penicillin work, do you think I should see a reduction in ticcing. I have been reading a little about PANDAS but don't really understand it. I would be grateful for any words of advice, or similar stories. Thanks.