hello everyone i am a 17 year old boy with tourette ... i got tics when i was about 9-10 years old ... atfirst it was just shouting and i went and see a doctor it got fine after i ate haloperidol and after that it improved till i dont need medicine and by recent years when i was about 16 years old it got worse
i started to shout and move my body and now i started to hit my computer so now i avoid using computer is it because im in puberty now?thats why my tics are so serious cause i have not fully pass puberty yet ... i still dont have armpit hair .. so i guess im still in puberty and may i ask u all is there any thing to further improve my condition like changing diet or eating soem kind of vitamin which i szee people saying in the forum
my tics now is "abit shouting ,bang computer and pull spectacle ...